Harads Treehotel Goes Back To Its Roots

More often than not Sweden is associated with flat-pack furniture, meatballs and a Eurovision-winning pop group, however, this Scandinavian country has so much more to celebrate - the arrival of Harads Treehotel.

With staunch ecological values and abundant wildlife that dwells among breathtaking backdrops of fragrant forests and glistening lakes, what better place to build an innovative hotel that effortlessly fuses the art of construction with its natural surroundings? The Mighty Fine Company has recently revealed its new and exciting product -Harads Treehotel. Set to reach dizzy heights, this pioneering concept has taken six talented architects to create inspired designs that sustain firm environmental ethics. WC facilities, underfloor heating and construction materials follow strict eco-friendly guidelines put in place by the owners of the Treehotel. Surrounded by Sweden's boreal forest and stunning scenery, the Treehotel offers idyllic accommodation where guests can take part in a variety of exhilarating outdoor activities. Each room is unique, exquisitely designed and is in complete contrast to the type of hotel many of us would usually imagine. The sleek exterior of the reflective Mirrorcube echoes its charming backdrop, whilst the futuristic shape of the aptly named UFO would enthuse even the most reserved of adults. The Treehotel has definitely succeeded in demonstrating to the world how we should embrace our planet.

Linda Gilmour, an experienced travel advisor for the Mighty Fine Company, comments, "Sweden is renowned as a country with a visionary flair for design and at the Mighty Fine Company we believe that the Treehotel perfectly demonstrates this. The word 'unique' can be an over-used cliche but for this exceptional hotel I can't think of anything more appropriate to describe this experience".

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