Hafen Rohner Purchases The Marina Manual!!

Hafen Rohner, one of the most exquisite marinas in Europe has recently purchased the Marina Manual.

Simon Arrol, main marina consultant and developer, is delighted that The Marina Manual has been purchased by Hafen Rohner, probably the most exquisite marinas in Europe. Located on Lake Constance in Austria, the marina is owned and managed by the gifted Maria Rohner. This is not just a marina, but a marina which enhances its setting with the award-winning 'Nordwesthaus' multi-purpose constructions and various examples of imaginative architecture and engineering.

Hafen Rohner (Rohner Yacht Harbour) looks again on an eventful past and, at the same time, has reinvented itself for the future. After the closure and dismantling of their lakeside aggregates enterprise the harbour's proprietor, along with the architectural firm of Baumschlager Eberle, devised a subtle yet stunning new plan. For the previous ten years, the design of the harbour marina has been a part of an ongoing evolution as its focus moved from aggregates to a marina for sailboats and motorboats. It has also been a chapter in the history of a family that has been related with Lake Constance for a lot of generations. The opening of the yacht harbour and the brand new marina office in 2000 gave the first clear sign of what was to come. A radical re-design of the shoreline followed in 2005, and the NORDWESTHAUS started building in 2007.

We see in these changes great examples of how to strengthen and deepen the necessary rules of high quality, constancy and ethical behaviour.
Hafen Rohner lies within the countryside of the Rhine Delta Nature Conservation Zone. That is both a privilege and a responsibility. This harbour marina is a successful and respectful assembly of nature and man made buildings and this is simply achieved when nature has the leading position and the buildings and services take a secondary position.

The Marina Handbook is a benchmark document. For the first time ever, marina owners and managers have an A to Z of the best way to set-up, administer, and operate a marina efficiently, safely, and profitably. The writer is one of the world's main marina consultants, having labored on marina tasks in 27 countries in the function of marina consultant, developer, investor, and marina group managing director. The Marina Manual is a distillation of these many years of experience.

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