Gurtam Launched a Special Portal Dedicated to Wialon Development

Minsk, April 18th 2013 - Gurtam, the leading European developer of software for GPS tracking, fleet management announced that just recently it has launched a new web-resource, created specifically for developers.

What is this project about?

Gurtam developers created a special instrument for software specialists SDK (Software Development Kit), which represents a complex of tools, helping external developers to create their own applications for mobile devices, working on Wialon platform, broaden the system functionality, as well as integrate Wialon solutions with external applications.

How does it work?

Data access is performed by means of Remote API and JavaScript API. While working with Remote API you gey the access to the information by means of low level HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) requests. Such method is suitable for the development of your own websites, applications for mobile devices and integration with the external apps.

By using JavaScript API you get the access to the data and functions of Wialon Hosting and Wialon Kit in your own web-application by means of JavaScript, which provides a wonderful opportunity to shorten the time, spent for the development of a web-application, since the basic mechanisms have already been implemented by Gurtam programmers. Therefore, SDK provides data access and allows broadening the functionality of Wialon Hosting and Wialon Kit by virtue of new applications, the access to which is performed from the GPS tracking system.

Where you can find it?

Gurtam developers have created a special portal, where all the documents, concerning the developments for Wialon software solutions will be located.

The portal is divided into three main sections, each one dedicated to a separate Wialon product: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cost-effective system Wialon Hosting, a top software solution that you can install on your own server Wialon Pro and an open-source platform Wialon Kit.

At the present moment all the RemoteAPI documentation for Wialon Hosting, Wialon Kit, as well as RemoteAPI documentation for Wialon Pro 1301 is available in two languages: Russian and English. Our developers have also significantly extended the example base for JS API, as well as created Javascript Playground instrument, which provides the possibility to edit the online example and view the results of your work at the very same time.

About Gurtam
