Green Investments Linked to Higher Company Valuation

A recent report has shown that there is a direct correlation between enterprises executing eco-friendly policies and their overall valuation at the stock market.

A recent report has shown that there is a direct correlation between enterprises executing eco-friendly policies and their overall valuation at the stock market.

According to the Carbon Disclosure Project, a global authority and think tank on carbon footprint and ecological impact of organizations and institutes, cutting down the rate at which the earth's non-renewable resources are consumed has been linked to higher profitability.

Companies are also increasingly opening up about their greenhouse gas emission rates, and showcasing greenhouse emission reduction. The rate of modern emissions from companies has gone down - 45% in 2011, in stark contrast with 19% in 2010.

The PriceWaterhouse Coopers report is an analysis of information of the world's biggest corporate giants, over 60% of which had included climate change policies into their year's business plan.

Many reasons have been attributed to this increased activation of pro-green agendas at the workplace. Reducing wastage, as well as the use of low efficiency fuels that are also costly increase their overall profitability. And, most of the companies actively pursuing a carbon footprint reduction agenda have seen returns on investment within 3 years.

Increasingly, companies specialising in various kinds of valuation are factoring in "green" aspects of the business. For example,'s plant and equipment valuation division has increasingly been paying attention the ecological fallout of older, less efficient machinery, as well as processes that create wastage.

As contemporary valuation norms demonstrate changes at a rate much faster than before, it becomes essential to hire personnel with diverse backgrounds who can bring their own specialized understanding of businesses from different perspectives to a team.

Among the sector's profile for green efficiency, the Utility industry showed the maximum results in enhanced pro-green work. On the other hand, the energy sector had poor results

A major factor driving companies to incorporate the reduction of carbon emissions into their yearly plans is also the ability to include cost benefit analysis of the carbon footprint and impact in in their annual financial reports.

Sportswear giant Puma, in fact has already published the details of the environment impact of its operations in its annual report, and this trend is soon to be seen in other large companies.

The ability to address the high costs that pro-green policies have (incuding taxation on pollution, as well a higher insurance premium amounts for polluting companies) is another motivating factor.

About the Company

Valuator Australia has risen to become one of the country's most well known names in the business of commercial valuation in a short time. Today, business evaluation sydney by and valuation of second hand machinery by is a strategic tool increasingly used by enterprises in identifying focus areas for improvement, or overall assessment of business strengths.

The country's biggest corporates have partnered with Valuator for their asset valuation needs. Thee includes companies like ANZ and Suncorp Bank, along with Sydney Water.'s machinery valuers team has enabled small and medium business to take critical business risks by analyzing according to various decision points.

For more information, visit the Valuator Australia website at

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