Greatmats Gym Floor Covers Preserve Colfax School Gymnasium Floors

The School District of Colfax in Colfax, Wisconsin, has always taken pride in its athletic facilities and uses them not only for sports but for multiple extracurricular and community activities - which is why Greatmats gym floor protection covers have come into play.

“Our gym floors always look very nice, but we’ve preserved them over the years by covering them,” said School Superintendent William Yingst. “The surface stays nicer much longer throughout the year.”

For years, the school district used a mat system consisting of heavy pieces that needed to be folded, bundled and stored on carts when not in use.

In 2016, the district upgraded its gym floor cover system using a 32 oz vinyl cover roll and premium safety storage racks from Greatmats. Mr. Yingst was happy to find that he was ordering from a relatively local company - located roughly 75 miles away from the school.

“We had very quick service, quick delivery and turnaround, were treated well and it worked out very well,” Yingst said.

As for the floor covers themselves, they’ve done exactly what Yingst had hoped they’d do when used for events including holiday programs, concerts, plays, proms, graduations and even toy tractor shows each year.

“People are always impressed with our gymnasium areas, to include the floor,” he said. “The mats really help to preserve all of that. This just prolongs the life and keeps the wear and tear and the sand and grit and people with street shoes off the floor.”

He’s found that the storage rack has been a big help in both installation and storage also.

“It’s on wheels that can be rolled around pretty easily,” Yingst said. “Each section of mat is rolled up on the rollers. There’s a handle and you physically crank it up and roll up each section so they're stored nicely. This cart does make it much more manageable and organized, and it keeps the mats in nice shape as well.”


About Corp.

Ecommerce provider of specialty flooring solutions for home owners and companies large and small. Greatmats offers a variety of athletic, home and commercial flooring products at competitive prices and provides excellent customer service to customers Corp.
117 Industrial Avenue
Milltown, WI


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