Grauer School Drama Team Wins National Comedy Theatre Award

Grauer School students Tommy Linz, Mia Sewell, Rayne Shah and Kelsey Ellison competed in the High School League Tournament on May 2, 2010 at National Comedy Theatre (NCT) in San Diego.

Encinitas, CA----Grauer School students Tommy Linz, Mia Sewell, Rayne Shah and Kelsey Ellison competed in the High School League Tournament on May 2, 2010 at National Comedy Theatre (NCT) in San Diego. The team won "Best Energy" overall and Tommy Linz was selected for the High School All Star Team. Tommy performed again at NCT, on May 7, 2010. The NCT High School League is a unique opportunity for high school students in San Diego to learn improvisational skills and theory, and to put it into practice with regular performances. Beginning in September, each school is assigned a coach from the professional NCT team. Teams receive monthly training, and are free to schedule rehearsals every week after school.

Dr. Stuart Grauer commented, "Comedy belongs in all schools-it puts original thinking and positivity into education, where it belongs. Team captain Mia Sewell has been dedicated to getting the team geared up for this competition and the synergy on stage truly captured this award for 'Best Energy'. "

The Grauer School has an extensive drama program that offers college preparatory courses, after school clubs, evening coffee house forums, assemblies, and bi-annual productions. The Grauer School is located at 1500 South El Camino Real in Encinitas and scholarships are available. All students are encouraged to participate in dramatic arts activities. For additional information, call (760) 944-6777 or visit