Grace Century Announces Record 'All-Time' Company Enrollment and End of Year Guidance for Its Store-a-Tooth™ Stem Cell Biobank Portfolio Project

Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, August 23, 2017 ( - Grace Century’s bio-banking project, Provia Laboratories, LLC is pleased to announce a company "best" in record enrollment during July for their Store-a-Tooth™ cryogenic storage service of dental stem cells, as well as record projected year -end numbers.
Provia reported a +31% increase, month over month, as compared to last July, and an 80% increase over its five- year average for monthly sales.
The fact that they are the only dental stem cell bank that operates in both a proprietary cGMP and FDA approved facility, exhibits their expertise and vision in where this industry will go.
Scott Wolf, President and Director of Research, Grace Century
Sales are attributed to a planned increase in its advertising budget, continued improvement in customer awareness, and for the first time, therapies being introduced into mainstream medicine, specifically orthopedics. In addition, Interest is being shown from across the globe by firms looking to enter the regenerative medicine industry. Multiple synergistic joint ventures are being discussed and in the pipeline.
Projections show a further doubling in enrollments by the end of 2017.
Grace Century’s CEO, Scott Wolf, comments, "While this milestone is important, it pales in comparison to the projections we have in the coming months. Provia has carefully planned its roll-out and is prepared to be the recognized, unrivaled choice in stem cell banking. The fact that they are the only dental stem cell bank that operates in both a proprietary cGMP and FDA approved facility, exhibits their expertise and vision in where this industry will go."
About Grace Century
Grace Century FZ LLC is an International research and private equity consultancy located in Ras Al Khaimah (north of Dubai), in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Grace Century specializes in "game-changing" life science and health related private equity projects.
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About Provia Laboratories, LLC
Headquartered in Littleton, MA, Provia Laboratories, LLC ( is a healthcare services company specializing in high-quality bio-banking (the collection, transport, processing and cryogenic storage of biological specimens). Provia Labs offers the Proviasette™ product range for use in bio-banking environments to improve sample logistics, security and quality.
The company manages and promotes its own bio-bank for a dental stem cell banking service, Store-A-Tooth™, which gives families the option to store stem cells to protect their children’s future health and take advantage of advances in stem cell therapies.
Provia advises industrial, academic and governmental clients on matters related to the preservation of biological specimens for research and clinical use.
Provia Labs is a member of ISBER, the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories, as well as ESBB, the European, Middle Eastern & African Society for Bio-preservation & Bio-banking.
For further information about Proviasette™, please call Provia Labs at +1 (781) 652-4815, email, or visit
Source: Grace Century