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Recently, Green Cleaning Products launches its new Facebook page that allows going green advocates and everybody else to try their new innovative and safe home and commercial cleaning products. These cleaning products are mostly endorsed by experts.

With the increasing numbers of bed bugs infestation in the US, specifically Central Idaho and New York, expert endorsed the very convenient and highly economical bed bug product - Bed Bug Bully.

Together with the CEO of Green Cleaning Products and Facebook, a new Facebook Page was created in response to the needs of Central Idaho residents as well as other counties to grab a sample of their recent and 100% natural cleaning products that work instantly by killing matured bed bugs, eggs and its larvae.

In addition, sample does not only limit to bed bug products; they have mold cleaning products, rust cleaning, car cleaning, pet products and many more.

More about Bed Bugs Infestation in Central Idaho


"Recently, bed bugs exterminators accommodated numbers of phone calls from residents of Central Idaho, who reported to be having bed bugs infestation. Furthermore, exterminators said that they no longer rely on dangerous pesticide, since they find out that it does not totally get rid of bed bugs nowadays. It seems that bed bugs are now immune to these synthetic chemicals, which alarm the city health concerning the situation."

"On the other hand, CEO of Green Cleaning Products is reaching out both exterminator services and residents of Central Idaho to try their innovative product - the Bed Bug Bully. This product is 10x more in concentration, which kills not only bed bugs as well as dust mites and other home allergens. Moreover, Bed Bug Bully is 100% organic, which means it is safe for humans as well as our environment."

"More about Bed Bugs Infestation in Central Idaho: ----"

"Pest exterminators in central Idaho say they are getting an increasing number of calls from residents needing help getting rid of bed bug infestations."

"Todd Nelson of Bedbug Thermal Solutions in Hailey says he's getting a couple calls a day from residents wanting relief from the tiny reddish-brown insects that feed off human and animal blood, their bites often leaving red welts."

"Nelson says he heats buildings to 130 degrees to kill the bugs because the insects have become resistant to almost all the pesticides developed to kill them."

Read bed bugs infestation further at:

It's quite easy to deal with bed bug infestation if you have the right guide and products to use for. Bed Bug Bully as one of the most endorsed products, offers non-toxic chemicals that work on fast and eco-friendly.

It kills not only kill bed bugs, eggs and larvae; it kills most home allergens and dust mites.

Choosing the appropriate product for your needs is indeed vital. Furthermore, if you want to save money, you have to use the product that works best.