Google Quality Quest - A Time For Reality Check

The changes in the Google search algorithm are definitely strong declaration of the war against low-quality content sites referred as content farms by Google. It is seen as a crack down on content factories, spammers and scrapers.

The new Google search algorithm of 2011 is a noisiest buzz around since its launch few days back. It has become most relevant news for the searchers who crave for high quality content and a big set back for businesses operating through only and only SEO practices developing and presenting on world wide web the copied, useless, low quality content using shady strategies to attain high rankings on search engines.

We all are aware about the immediate effect of the new algorithm when Mahalo, just after few days of launch declared 10% lay off of its employees due to significant dip in their traffic which brought their revenues down just after Google changes. This shows how the impact of this change is definitely going to be drastic for all the companies on web as it affects almost 12% of the total search results. It means for 'some' to have low rankings and in turn huge monetary losses while for others it will result in high rankings on search engine which turns to big revenues.

The changes in the search algorithm are definitely strong declaration of the war against low-quality content sites referred as content farms by Google. It is seen as a crack down on content factories, spammers and scrapers. But then an obvious question arises how Google defines editorial quality. In an interview with The Atlantic, Amit Singhal and Matt Cutts, the Google engineers reveal they used human feedback for quality check. Google's editorial judgment is expressed via algorithms.

So when the companies claim spending million dollars on quality content, Google tells we judge through our algorithm and your content do not fit there. Some also claim Google filters those companies from its new algorithm that bring revenues to it using Google's adsense etc.

Although searchers all over the world say kudos to Google for bringing up quality content up on search engine result pages and taking down or out completely the content farms which include low value, copied and useless content. It would be worth and important change to see meaningful and all types of original content on high ranks.

The genuine hard workers, writers or companies without shady attributes are definitely going to get some boost.

The industry is also keeping an eye on top gainers and losers of Google's algorithm change response. To name some very visible hardly hit are Ezinearticles, Mahalo, Suite101 and Hubpages etc. Eyebrows are also raised over safe position and Squido's better placement.

The debate on this is will be on by the friends, foes and competitors. But the major impacts are worth monitoring for the next few days or say over a month.

-->Reality Check:
Whenever the algorithm changes it is definite some sites will go up and some will go down. For companies it is advisable not to take decisions based on haste view points. Rather monitor their acts and strategies to bring fruitful changes. Do not completely depend upon search traffic but build your brand on basis of originality, invention and utility of your product. It is better to stop crying and cribbing and start changing your strategies.