GoMage Feed Pro Helps You Go Global

submit product information from your online store to Google Product Search in the US, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Japan, China, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain with just a few clicks of the mouse

One of the most frustrating parts of setting up your online store is uploading feeds to the site which will help customers around the world find your products. Well, look no further. GoMage is proud to introduce Feed Pro 2.0 which will help you submit product information from your online store to Google Product Search in the US, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Japan, China, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain with just a few clicks of the mouse. Take your business to the next level and go global with the assistance of GoMage Feed Pro.

When you are establishing feeds to your online store, GoMage Feed Pro is the product you simply cannot do without. Some of the many features of this extension include unlimited feeds to your store, ability to send product data to all the search engines you utilize, and the ability to send different data and prices to the various parts of the globe where you do business. GoMage Feed Pro is a must for any online store.

Customers who have used this product have rated it five stars for ease of installation, performance and support. On customer reports, "Works perfect for us to display products on external website." Another satisfied customer states, "This extension not only has a flawless install but it is simple and intuitive to configure and use. The support team is also phenomenal -- knowledgeable and quick to respond. My client doesn't even have to think about product feeds now. Everything is generated/uploaded automatically on predetermined intervals.

Thanks for providing an extension that fully meets our needs!" Yet another customer gives the product thumbs up by stating, "This extension is SOLID. It's well built and easy to use - much much much better than what I've tried before. In addition to the extension being very good, the company's customer service is A+. I couldn't ask for more. They respond quickly and are highly valuable. Well worth the one-time price in my book.

When you are looking for a product to upload feeds to your online store, look no further than the five star customer rated GoMage Feed Pro to meet all your company's needs. Remember GoMage Feed Pro is your source for submitting products to Google Product Search in the US, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Japan, China, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain, so gear up and get ready to go global with GoMage Feed Pro Version 2.0.

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