Golf Is What The Ball Does - Powerful Words That Will Change Your Game Forever

Golf Is What The Ball Does. Read why this powerful phrase could just change your golf game.

Hey, everyone!

Here is a great article from our friends at lifeintherough. It seems like every spring I really try and look for new ways to get my "mind right" as my buddy says. I really try and remember that this game is sooo dependent on your mental state


I was quite satisfied after leafing through my copy of Golf Digest this month. The March 2011 issue contained an article by famed teacher John Jacobs, with Jaime Diaz, featuring a number of nuggets of teaching wisdom he has amassed over a career in golf that has spanned many decades.

Now 85, Jacobs was an accomplished tournament player in his younger days, having won a couple of times in the 1950′s. But, he points out that his talent turned out to be teaching.

Admittedly, I only know of Jacobs by name, but reading those few pages of random thoughts gave me the sense that Jacobs is my kind of teacher. He's a different kind of teacher, much like Harvey Penick was. He focuses on keeping things simple. In this era of video analysis and launch monitors and swing planes and angles, that kind of philosophy is like a beacon in the dense fog of golf instruction for me.

One thing he said really gave me pause and led me to write this post. He wrote:
In my first book, Golf by John Jacobs, I remember that the first thing I wrote down on paper was, "Golf is what the ball does." That was my breakthrough as a teacher. I look at what the ball's doing, and then I ask, "Why?"
Dave here - "Golf is what the ball does." May I love that. Sometimes the simplest things are the most powerful.
If you stop and think about it for a second, that's an extremely profound idea. It's so simple that you're probably tempted to not pay it much mind.

Many of you are like me in that you like to digest a lot of instructional material. These days, so much of it is about achieving positions in the swing with the idea that if you get all the positions right, then the ball will fly well.

The golf swing, however, is nothing but a means to an end. That's not to say that you can just do whatever you want with your swing and that you'll be a successful golfer. On the contrary, there are any number of things that can go wrong to destroy distance or consistency.

How many of us spend an inordinate amount of time achieving certain positions in our golf swing? We try to make sure we have enough lag. We make sure our weight shifts right then left, or not at all, depending on which swing we're talking about. We try to stay on plane. We make certain not to swing past parallel. We try to maintain spine angle.

I could go on all day listing things like that.

Sometime mind & strategy stuff is a buncha crap, but this is something you really gotta get in your head if you are gonna be a rockstar on the course.

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See ya at the 19th hole,
