Gold Coast Fitness Guru Ashy Bines Launches YouTube Reality Show

Gold Coast, Queensland, March 18, 2016 (
As the show’s title suggests, this is “raw” footage, with honest glimpses into all aspects of Ashy Bine's life—from greeting her baby son, Taj, after his nap, goofing around with husband Steven Evans and taking a casual walk with friends to candidly sharing the challenges and sometimes painful criticism she’s endured as a career woman whose life lately has played out largely in the spotlight. She shows her many sides, noting that she can be serious, silly, emotional, caring and everything in between. She can even be disarmingly vulnerable, confessing in the first to often feeling nervous in front of large crowds—even as she prepares to lead a training session with about 500 women in attendance. It’s a natural extension of Ashy Bines’ longstanding enthusiasm for connecting with fans through Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and other social media platforms.
“I want people to see the real Ashy, not someone they just think I am (from the media),” she says. “I feel like this is my chance for people to get to know me, through me.”
Ashy Bines, 27, has been in the Gold Coast spotlight for years as the beautiful face and body behind the Ashy Bines Bikini Body Challenge (ABBBC), which is a 12-week challenge held in over 75 locations across Australia, New Zealand and the USA. She is also a passionate advocate of clean eating, with her own namesake diet, the Ashy Bines Clean Eating Diet Plan, that encourages clients to eschew processed fatty foods (which she confesses to having eaten plenty of herself, especially growing up) and plan ahead so they always have healthy options readily available. She has opened a cutting-edge women’s fitness centre, the Ashby Bines Transformation Centre at Mermaid Beach, complete with a high-quality childcare centre, a green juice bar and her trademark pink accents throughout. On top of it all, viewers of Ashy Bines Raw will see her seemingly limitless energy as she leads early morning group exercise classes out in the park.
But while viewers will get an inside look into Bines’ many business ventures in RAW, she sees the series above all as a way to show people that she’s more than the sum of her successes—and she’s more than just a blonde beauty with a picture-perfect bikini body, too. Viewers will see the Ashy who’s a lot like them and their girlfriends. She’s a woman with genuine emotions, normal struggles to balance work and family, and a true desire to help others achieve healthy lifestyles.
In RAW, “It’s just nice through video that I can connect with my followers and girls who do my programs and let them know that we are all on the same level,” Bines says in the first episode. “Just because someone has X amount of followers or anything like that doesn’t make us any different. We’re all equal and going through the same stuff together. Life’s just a big emotional journey, and it’s so cool that we’ve got other girls to go through that with.”
Judging by viewers’ comments on YouTube, the show is already inspiring Ashy’s longtime and brand-new fans alike, with early comments including:
—“What a gem you are Ashy how you manage to fit everything in and still spend time with your family high five to you!!! You should feel extremely proud of yourself for the change you have made in peoples lives.”
—“This was so amazingly inspiring Ashy, you are my biggest role model to continue to lead a healthy, happy lifestyle.”
— I love how positive you are! You are a wonderful person with a wonderful family. Keep it up.”
New, 30-minute episodes of Ashby Bines RAW—which already boasts almost 23,000 subscribers—can be seen on YouTube every Wednesday.