GNUPharma® Launches GnuEndo: World's First Ever Nutritional Endocannabinoid Supplement

Revolutionary New Supplement Line Aids By Supplementation in Weight Loss, Pain Management, Immunity Boost and Mood Elevation

GNUPharma®, a pioneer in the exploration and development of unique nutritional product solutions, stands poised to replace traditional thinking on limits of the human body’s response to supplements. Through exhaustive and progressive research methods, GNUPharma, the nation’s first nutraceutical and medical vaping company, is proud to announce the launch of GnuEndo, a revolutionary new product line engineered to aid by supplementation in pain relief, weight loss, improved immunity and mood elevation by providing critical nutrition to the body’s endocannabinoid system. 

Endocannabinoid receptors are located in the brain, glands, connective tissues and organs. Together as a system, these receptors exist to regulate functions in the human brain, bones, metabolism and the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and immune systems. Endocannabinoids have similar effects to opioids, reducing pain and anxiety and fostering feelings of well-being. GnuEndo is designed with the endocannabinoid system in mind, and its products are built to stimulate the system’s very specific functions.

“After years of research, the GNUPharma team has created a supplemental formulation that provides nutrients to the body and appears to open the body’s existing pathways to the endocannabinoid system in a safe and natural way,” said GNUPharma Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Chip Paul. 

The new product line includes GnuEndo Loss, GnuEndo Pain, GnuEndo Boost, GnuEndo Elevate and GnuEndo Sleep, each of which has been specially and carefully researched and developed from all natural herbs and ingredients. In testing GnuEndo has proven to assist in helping to combat symptoms of depression by delivering nutrients that allow the body’s endocannabinoid system to elevate a user’s mood. Users with chronic pain have also reported nearly complete elimination of their symptoms within days of first use.

“I saw results within the first 24 hours after trying GnuEndo, and the benefits are remarkable,” said Andrew Kyle, a patient with chronic pain who participated in GnuEndo’s initial clinical trials. “I found a sense of deep relaxation, pain relief, mood elevation and a general sense of well-being that I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to feel again. Finding GnuEndo has truly given me a new outlook on life.”

Because of its revolutionary ability to provide nutrition to the endocannabinoid system, GnuEndo causes the body’s natural pain management properties to engage, allowing GnuEndo to serve as a viable replacement for those who have used medical marijuana to manage their symptoms. And, because GnuEndo is an all-natural, herbal supplement, it contains no cannabis and will result in negative results on a drug screen panel.

“The resource level of your endocannabinoid system is like a lake. Based on your diet and environment, your ‘lake level’ could be low. Without resources that level will drop, which could cause effect in many other systems within the body. Our theory, supported by our research, is that with a ‘low lake,’ your body simply doesn’t have the full slate of resources it needs to function. Without resources it begins to fail. GnuEndo helps restore that natural balance,” said Paul.

Future plans in development for GnuEndo include the ability to consume GnuEndo products through vaping, a skin cream line and additional product offerings that assist with a multitude of additional issues, including those related to aging and enhanced human functioning. GNUPharma also intends to keep each application as close all natural as possible.

“We tend to think of nutrition for our body systematically. We are always trying to find ways to keep our body in tip-top shape through basic diet and exercise, but sometimes we don’t get the nutrition we need from our diets alone. Millions of people take supplements every day to combat this fact. But, even with those supplements, our endocannabinoid system still degrades which can lead to a whole host of health issues that the average person likely doesn’t attribute to this important system of the body. With GNUPharma’s new line of GnuEndo products, we will be able to provide the proper nutrition to the endocannabinoid system in a natural way. We are just scratching the surface of what’s possible and we are excited to continue developing ways to unlock the potential of the endocannabinoid system to create a healthier mind, body, and soul,” said Paul. 

All GnuEndo products are now available in capsule form and can be ordered online. The brand also plans for distribution across a variety of retail store locations in both capsule and vaping forms. GNUPharma currently services four additional separate markets through its proprietary GnuVape system: electronic cigarettes, cannabis, nutraceutical and medical. For more information on all of the brand’s products, and to order, visit

Because of this revolutionary innovation and the advancements it provides GNUPharma and sister company Palm Beach Vapors are now exploring the process of an initial public offering. The brands have hired Pearlman Schneider LLP to represent them before the Securities and Exchange Commission. Anton & Chia LLP has been hired as a PCAOB auditor to perform audits required to file with the SEC. 


GNUPharma® is an industry leader and research pioneer in electronic cigarette technology, focused primarily on the emerging nutraceutical, cannabis and medical vaping markets. Founded in 2015 as a sister company to Palm Beach Vapors, franchising’s first e-cigarette and vapor retailer, GNUPharma seeks to redefine the industry through contemporary products and progressive research. GNUPharma’s proprietary products include GnuEndo, GnuDust, M-System and GnuVape, the first vaping system built on a safe, medical grade vegetable glycerin base, eliminating potentially harmful chemicals used in traditional vaping systems. For more information visit 
