GMB Expands Education Services With Acquisition of Higher Education Marketing Firm, Up&Up

GMB Up&Up logo

GMB, a professional services firm focused on the educational market, is thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking acquisition. GMB has officially acquired Up&Up Agency, an uplifting marketing leader specializing in higher education. This acquisition not only represents an exciting new chapter in GMB's journey but also underscores the firm’s commitment to transforming education services. 

Fusing GMB’s robust educational architecture and engineering services with Up&Up’s knowledge in educational marketing, this connection is designed to create tailored approaches that uniquely benefit educational institutions.

"By welcoming Up&Up into the GMB brand, we are redefining what a full-service education company can look like," said David Bolt, President and CEO of GMB. “GMB is building a new kind of firm that more holistically impacts students and supports the success of educational institutions across the country.”

Adam Landrum, the current CEO of Up&Up, echoed the sentiment, expressing enthusiasm for the shared vision and goals of the two organizations.

“I am incredibly excited about this strategic acquisition of Up&Up by GMB,” said Landrum. “By combining our higher education-focused brand and marketing services with GMB's services, we're beginning an exciting new chapter of building a full-service education company to uplift our clients and the educational industry as a whole.”

Up&Up’s mission is to help leaders of forward-thinking colleges grow enrollment and activate a compelling brand strategy that positions their school to attract and retain more right-fit students.

GMB and Up&Up share a common dedication to innovation and knowledge sharing, eagerly anticipating the combined impact their skills will have on shaping future learning ecosystems. The newly united team is poised to provide unparalleled support and guidance to educational clients, ensuring a comprehensive approach to their projects.

"This is more than an acquisition; it's a collaborative journey towards creating impactful learning environments," stated Rob DenBesten, COO at GMB. “Up&Up is a welcome addition to GMB’s growing team and this transition is a true testament to our culture that is focused on continual learning.”

Up&Up, based in Greenville, South Carolina, will continue serving their existing clients across the U.S. while embracing GMB's people-first philosophy. This philosophy encourages trusting teams that operate with open communication in the pursuit of common goals, aligning with GMB's structure as a 100% employee-owned company.

"We are thrilled to begin working with Up&Up, whose expertise will continue to connect us to courageous educators who are as excited as we are to engage in this meaningful work," added Bolt.

Source: GMB

About GMB

Opportunity for all. That’s the world GMB strives to see. Our integrated team of educational planners, architects and engineers are just one part of the learning ecosystem that will make that happen. GMB believes education provides transformational opportunities for our communities, industries, and our world. As a learning organization structured for ideation, innovation, and sharing of knowledge, GMB’s hubs of experts in Grand Rapids, Holland and Royal Oak, Michigan, and Indianapolis, Indiana, design and engineer projects throughout the Midwest. GMB believes in helping clients place learners in environments where they can thrive.

Up&Up is a purpose-driven marketing agency that specializes in branding, enrollment marketing, web experiences, and digital marketing for those in the higher education space. Through close collaboration and strategy, we help our clients push their brands further to connect, engage, and resonate with their audiences in a meaningful way that drives enrollment and results. We uplift our clients, helping them stand apart and above.

85 East Eighth Street , #200
Holland, Michigan
