Gmashr Throws Their Hat Into The Social Ring

In the wake of Google+, we're releasing Gmashr into the wild. A social platform by the people, for the people releases their beta prototype.

We are officially launching Gmashr, a social network which utilizes Google tools but is not sponsored or sanctioned by Google. Over the past several months we have been building a Facebook competitor using a friends list built from your Google Contacts and pulling from Google Buzz, Picassa, Gmail and other API's. Our goal was to make a social network from the ground up, where developers and users can contribute to building something better than Facebook. Though we are glad to see that Google is looking to challenge Facebook's reign with the recent release of Google+, we don't see any evidence that Google will be any better than Facebook in building a system which is open, transparent, respectful of developers and built with an emphasis on helping people communicate rather than maximizing profit.

Since it is not our goal to "own" users information, we keep our focus on providing them with the best experience. Gmashr strives to use whatever tools and API's that can benefit the community the most. We want to become the ultimate social networking aggregator.

Gmashr will be as open as possible to enable you to aggregate and manage all of your social networking data in one place. We still have a long way to go, and what we are building is pretty unique, but unlike the big guys, we don't see the point of keeping any secrets. In the spirit of open source, we are opening up our development to the public so the world can see and participate in what we are planning. We are asking you, the users of our system, what you want. We invite you to join our crusade, uniting the social universe with your feedback, suggestions, and requests and if you have the skills, your coding ability.

Gmashr's vision is to provide a singular location to facilitate interaction across all of your social networks in one familiar platform. We will be constantly adding third party API's as we grow. We are going to release new features and integrations continuously and relentlessly until we've given power back to the users. We like people, not advertisers or corporations. We find it imperative to provide a more human experience on the web.

We may not have the deep pockets of Google, Facebook, or Twitter, but we believe we have what they don't... a genuine interest to make the most useful social network out there regardless of whether it helps advertisers or our bottom line.

About Gmashr
