Gluten Free Products Can Be Delicious And Organic

GateauOChocolat, heaven's official chocolate cake is now available on earth and on line at

A gluten-free diet is a life line for people sensitive or gluten intolerant. Gluten, a protein found in grains, wheat, oats, barley and rye, can be highly toxic to some individuals; sensitivity symptoms are varied compounding diagnostic challenges. In an effort to respond to a growing demand food processors focused on gluten removal at the expense of taste for their products resulting, regrettably, in highly processed bland food. By combining high quality, organically certified ingredients and a desire to make an outstanding cake it is possible to meet very strict dietary requirements and gustatory quality. Pleasure being a key component of any sensible and sustainable diet; GateauOchocolat illustrates that paradigm by allowing a delicious treat to be healthy for almost anyone and enjoyed without concern or stigma. mouth-watering cakes are intense due to a key ingredient: its "Rainforest alliance certified" Ecuadorian single origin "Rio Arriba" chocolate. The nature of this chocolate with its dominant toasted notes is a perfect match to the richness of organic butter. The cake strikes a surprising balance between an intensely dark rich chocolate flavor and a feather light texture. GateauOchocolat served at room temperature, accompanied by red berries and or Port wine becomes a delicious finishing touch to any elegant cocktail reception, dinner or buffet. owner and French chef Emmanuel Roux has been in the fine foods business all his life. He pioneered artisanal flavored pastas in the eighties under the Gaston Dupre brand. He has been baking GateauOchocolat for discriminating customers in Saint Petersburg, Florida. His flour-less chocolate cake creations have been used for memorable gifts to valued clients, nice relatives and deserving good friends. customers enjoy the finest organic flour- less chocolate cake available on line. No flour, no gluten and no yeast; the cakes are baked in a 100% gluten-free dedicated bakery with pending gluten free certification by The Celiac Sprue Association. The cakes are topped with toasted almonds adding a pleasant contrasting crunch. For those sensitive to nuts, almonds can be omitted by request. The company has been awarded the coveted Gold seal by "Green America" indicating a commitment to sustainable practices and green values.

Robert Clark of "The Tampa Bay Flaneur" expresses his satisfaction over "Simply the most delicious chocolate cake I have ever tasted anywhere. It somehow manages the rare quality to be light and rich at the same time. The chocolate is first rate, giving the cake a deep, complex, dark chocolate flavor. The use of certified organic ingredients is the cherry on the cake. 'Oh my god!' is a common reaction at tasting events and is fitting for "heaven's official chocolate cake".

The cake recipe originated in a Paris Bistro and was perfected to make it truly gluten free at Emmanuel Roux's Saint Petersburg, Fl. restaurants. In addition to the rare chocolate the other ingredients are all certified organic, eggs and butter come from a cooperative of small certified organic family farms where the animals roam on green pastures in small herds or flocks, the brown certified organic cane sugar is from south Florida. Each chocolate cake is carefully baked in small batches and artfully packaged for safe shipping.

GateauOchocolat available at is proof that gluten free can also be organic, delicious and enjoyed by all.

Please visit for further details.

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About GateauOChocolat

1120 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL
Saint Petersburg, FL
