GlobelMoney to Hit Boundaries of Investment Banking & Trading Sector

The GlobelMoney team caught up with experts in the payments field to ask them their views on industry trends, predictions for the new year and what their ideal payments system looks like — and how far off that vision is.

GlobelMoney CEO Waqas ilyas

As of community survey GlobelMoney is bringing revelation in money transfer industry and providing the 4th generation money transfer & exchange service and providing extremely modern merchant needs.

GlobelMoney CEO Waqas Ilyas shared with us his thoughts on the major changes that may be in store for the payments industry in the coming years.It’s been a great year for payments. There are more people wanting to talk about payments, putting money into payments, investing in payments and selling product to payments, so I think it’s been an amazing year for the industry. I think that 2015, for a lot of people, has been about raising money. Companies in retail and financial services, particularly payments, have raised a ton of capital. If 2015 is about raising the money then I think 2016 is going to be all about execution.

GlobelMoney to Hit Boundries of Investment Banking & Trading Sector

George Tasamis, Media Executive

GlobelMoney Group also announce recently GlobelMoney Bank, and trading service GlobelMoney CEO Waqas ilyas Founder & C.E.O GlobelMoney Mr. Waqas Ilyas says “The banking sector will finally start to feel the effects of the “internet revolution” and our strong intend will broke the international boundaries and would be difficult to find our commutation.

In the remittances space, the traditional route of sending money overseas by going to a place like MoneyGram or Wester Union is broken. It’s expensive, slow and the exception rate is very high, so what we would like to see is international cross-border payments becoming as easy as sending a WhatsApp or Facebook message. That’s how we would like to see the market evolve, but it’s very hard and there are some things that make it tricky. Cross-border regulation is super complex and the technology stack for payments is often archaic. There’s a shake out and changing of that technology that has to happen, but what we would like to see is incredibly convenient, fast, instant payments to anyone everywhere; that’s how we think it should be.

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About GlobelMoney Bank

GlobelMoney Bank
Towers, 2-4 Messogion Avenue,
Athens, Attiki
115 27