Global Vision Concepts Well Represented at Dallas Conference

Select members of Team Global Vision Concepts attended a networking conference in Dallas. The firm's Director of Operations discussed the benefits the event offered and the rewards of team travel.

​Plentiful travel opportunities are available for members of Team Global Vision Concepts. Road trips to other successful offices, exotic retreats, and industry conferences are a few types of getaways they enjoy. A few hand-selected team members recently attended the quarterly networking conference in Dallas, which provided remarkable potential for learning and adding new professional contacts.

The firm’s Director of Operations stated, “Dewit H., Nolan N., Melissa M., and Branden R. were the team members chosen to represent Global Vision Concepts at the conference. These top performers have dedicated themselves to reaching ambitious goals, setting fine examples for their colleagues. We were happy to recognize their hard work by giving them the chance to interact with highly-successful people from all across our industry.”

"However, our people also gained significant new insights that they're eager to apply to our biggest Global Vision Concepts goals."

Along with the robust networking potential, the Dallas conference also provided hands-on training in a range of business practices. There were also inspiring speeches from influential business leaders from various areas of expertise. “This conference was primarily focused on networking,” the Director added. “However, our people also gained significant new insights that they’re eager to apply to our biggest Global Vision Concepts goals.”

Global Vision Concepts’ Director of Operations on the Benefits of Team Travel

Aside from the valuable lessons and contacts team members bring back to the office, travel events also offer a range of morale-boosting benefits. “Teamwork always seems to get kicked up a notch after a conference or other big industry function,” the Director remarked. “Our people get to learn things about each other’s unique traits they may never see on the job. With a greater understanding of their talents, outside interests, and quirks, our promotional specialists are better equipped to fuse their talents toward successful outcomes.”

Travel incentives are also effective ways to boost engagement around an office. The Director commented, “When we put a retreat or conference on the line, our people tend to take their excellent performances to an even higher level. We sometimes organize office competitions with trips as prizes. Engaging our people’s competitive sides leads to winning results for everyone involved.”

Getting away from the demands of daily work also gives professionals new perspectives on the work they do. “Our team members always benefit from being around other successful people,” the Director stated. “They come back to the Global Vision Concepts office with a better idea of what makes our on-site sales promotions so unique. Armed with that fresh understanding, they’re inspired to tackle new challenges.”

About Global Vision Concepts

Global Vision Concepts is the region’s leader in customer acquisitions. The firm’s success is largely the result of a cohesive team of outreach experts with accomplished leaders. These individuals use innovative channels to capture public attention, build relationships with targeted buyers, and earn their trust and loyalty. The associates also stay up to date on all the latest trends, ensuring that they are always a step ahead of the competition. Their commitment and know-how facilitates nonstop company growth. Visit to find out what project they’re pouring their passion into next. 

Source: Global Vision Concepts