Glenn Lehrer Coming Soon on Gemporia India

Glenn Lehrer, the internationally renowned gemstone artist is all set to debut his signature pieces to the Indian Television screens for the first time.

Glenn Lehrer, an internationally renowned gemstone artist, who transforms raw gemstones into stunning piece of art, is all set to bring a revolution to Indian Television screens. Glenn’s pieces are considered as heirloom and an average Glenn Lehrer collector owns about 8 pieces of his signature jewellery. He will be displaying an exclusive collection of Torus Ring cut at Gemporia India, nation’s first live jewellery shopping channel from 17th to 21st December 2015.

​Gemporia India offers the very best in stylish, affordable and authentic jewellery with an aim to be original, inspiring and ethical. With an impressive business model of Direct to Home pricing, Gemporia has cut across the long chain of middlemen and in the form of lower costs for every purchase. The advantage of being able to reach out to a monumental audience via television, website, and an app has helped the company to lay a bridge between manufacturers and customers bringing in a revolution in the Jewellery industry.

Together, with the company’s wide coverage and Glenn’s signature gemstone jewellery, the event is expected to be a breakthrough for the Indian Television history. He is known for his futuristic vision to transform a raw gemstone into a work of art that astoundingly surpasses its own physical characteristics. Glenn’s fascination with gemstones began in his youth when his brother presented him a quartz. He went on to master geology, mineralogy, and several other disciplines. In 1981, he co-founded Lehrer Designs with his wife, Sharon. He owns a gallery and studio, which is located in Larkspur, California. Pieces made from Lehrer Designs are known all over the world for their original designs, fluid lines, and stunning brilliance.

During his period as a professional artist, Glenn stayed in India for almost three years. His desire to learn something new with his artistic background made him develop his unique technique of gemstone cutting, which is not taught at any gem school. He is best known for his prominent works of art, like the Torus Ring, Quasar Cut, and Bahia.

Named after its country of origin, Bahia is an exclusive 426-pound gemstone sculpture created from a raw quartz crystal that was unearthed from Brazil in 1987. For almost 8 years, Glenn Lehrer with Lawrence Stoller exquisitely crafted the three masterful carvings from the original stone. This masterpiece is proudly displayed at the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) head office in California.

The Torus Ring is Glenn's signature and patented design. Inspired by the natural form of the Torus, which can be found throughout the world, it is often associated with the iris of the eye or the eye of a storm. Carved and faceted gemstone with a cylindrical portion removed from the centre, the unique cut allows a magnificent play of light in a gemstone, unattainable by other means. A second gemstone, or diamond, can be set at the centre of the Torus Ring cut. Exclusive and intricately designed, the Torus Ring cut makes an excellent alternative to the classic faceted gemstone jewellery.

Quasar Cut, which was launched in January 2015 is the combination of the inverted negative cone on the pavilion on the gemstone similar to the Torus Ring cut in concert with a concave dish fact for the top table of the stone. Through exploration in the laws of reflection of light within gemstones, Glenn Lehrer has created his signature Quasar Cut.

The internationally renowned gemstone sculptor will be showcasing his patented Torus Ring cut gemstone jewellery designs in India for the first time. His shows will be telecasted live at Gemporia India from December 17th to 21st, 2015 from 21:00 to 22:00 hours, every day. It will be the first time on Indian television when Glenn would be presenting his signature pieces in limited editions, which makes the occasion both tempting and historic for the Indian audience. They say that one doesn’t buy a Glenn Lehrer signature piece, instead one collects the stunning work of art that he produces after years of research and work. It would be a milestone for Gemporia India, which is nation’s first live jewellery shopping channel to host the celebrity jewellery designer and give the Indian audience a taste of something that they will never forget.