Giveaway of Blue Blue Sea Finds His Cape a SuccessUCCESS

A giveaway of the book, Blue Blue Sea Finds His Cape, proved to be a big success.

When Shoo-fly Publications released Blue Blue Sea Finds His Cape, by Miranda N. Prather with illustrations by Hayley Mullins, no one new how popular the book about an unlikely super hero would be. In the first few weeks, sales have been brisk and interest in the book has been growing. The week of Thanksgiving a giveaway of one copy of the book was launched via the popular social networking reader site Goodreads.

The giveaway concluded on December 3, having netted nearly 600 entries. The winner, a reader from Los Angeles, California, was declared via Goodreads. He will be receiving a single copy of the book free of charge. Prather will personally autograph the book before it is sent to the winner. The package will also include a few other goodies related to Blue Blue Sea.

Conny Withay recently reviewed the book for BookPleasures and found that he book, "shows how to turn a bad thing into a way of helping others with the same issues."

Conny Withay, Book Reviewer

Copies will also be going to several libraries who have agreed to stock copies of the book in Kansas and Kentucky. Conny Withay recently reviewed the book for BookPleasures and found that he book, "shows how to turn a bad thing into a way of helping others with the same issues." Other giveaways of the book are in the works and product tie-ins. The first product released is a grocery bag featuring the book's cover available from

Blue Blue Sea Finds His Cape tells the life story of a blue-collar racehorse who overcame a devastating illness to survive and inspire thousands around the globe who were facing their own struggles. The book features playful writing and delightful pictures form Erlanger, KY, artist Hayley Mullins that bring the tale of Blue Blue Sea to life. Blue Blue Sea was no American Pharoah, but he became a hero just the same!