Getting Help With Student Loans Isn't Asking for a Handout Says American Financial Benefits Center

Student Loan Help

In America there’s a common notion that getting help for certain things is too similar to accepting handouts or somehow admitting defeat. This can be detrimental to an individual’s or family's well-being when it concerns finances, such as potentially overwhelming student loans. American Financial Benefits Center (AFBC), a document preparation service company, wants to assure borrowers that there is nothing wrong with getting help with student loans, and that it is certainly not a hand out.

“People in America often grow up hearing the phrase 'pulled myself up by my bootstraps', which leads them to think sometimes that everything they do has to be done single-handedly, or it’s not worth doing.” said Sara Molina, Manager of AFBC. “Taking responsibility for an outcome that may not even be any one particular individuals fault is still taking initiative and control of one's life. Things don’t always have to be to extremes.”

People in America often grow up hearing the phrase 'pulled myself up by my bootstraps', which leads them to think sometimes that everything they do has to be done single-handedly, or it's not worth doing. Taking responsibility for an outcome that may not even be any one particular individual's fault is still taking initiative and control of one's life. Things don't always have to be to extremes.

Sara Molina, Manager of AFBC

Being enrolled in an income driven repayment plan and having had payments for student loans lowered is a form of getting help, but there should be no shame in it. If having payments lowered improves the quality of life for someone, it should be thought of positively. AFBC is glad to be able to help people when they need it with applying for federal income driven repayment programs, and maybe even getting them on the path for student loan forgiveness. “In such a large and entangled society, there is almost no such thing as being one hundred percent self-made. That’s part of what really makes America great, is being apart of a society that is there for others when they need it.” said Molina.

About American Financial Benefits Center

American Financial Benefits Center is a document preparation company that helps clients apply for federal student loan repayment plans that fit their personal financial and student loan situation. Through its strict customer service guidelines, the company strives for the highest levels of honesty and integrity.

Each AFBC telephone representative has received the Certified Student Loan Professional certification through the International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA).

American Financial Benefits Center Newsroom


To learn more about American Financial Benefits Center, please contact:

American Financial Benefits Center

1900 Powell Street #600

Emeryville, CA 94608


Source: American Financial Benefits Center

Source: Financial Education Benefits Center

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About American Financial Benefits Center

American Financial Benefits Center works to align each client with the different U.S Department of Education programs available to them based on their income and occupational situation.

American Financial Benefits Center
1900 Powell Street , #600
Emeryville, CA

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