Get FB Ads Free: Announcing the Launch of Free Facebook Advertising

Get FB Ads Free is a software & step by step video course plus comprehensive membership site that pinpoints how to get Facebook pay per click advertising for free.

London (UK) -Get FB Ads Free one of the biggest internet marketing launches of the year went live on 3rd March. Get FB Ads Free is a software & step by step video course & comprehensive membership site that purports to show how to get Facebook pay per click advertising for free.

Multi millionaire Jani G the creator of along with his colleagues Alex Malve and Devon C have become some of the best known young entrepreneurs in the industry with a range of innovative products. Jani G launched a sister product called FB Siphon product back in July 2010. Many users had seen great success with the system when used as instructed. However the young innovator was less than satisfied as one stumbling block remained: Put simply internet marketers detest paying for adverts.

The great irony is that most experts including those behind Get FB Ads Free agree that paid traffic converts much, much, better than free traffic. The challenge is that it can easily break the budgets and drain the wallets of 95% of marketers. Pay Per Click advertising can cost $2000 per 1000 visitors. The breakthrough really came when an ex employee gave the inside track as to how the Facebook advert engine worked; the result: apparently the ability to generate focused targeted type 'paid' traffic at no cost.

Get FB Ads Free is a product that seems to come with exceptional support to ensure buyers are not left without any assistance. So the promise is for no half hearted outsource staff. Indeed Jani G was recently quoted as saying that "our very own team of in house professionals who are fully trained in our product, 24/7 to answer any questions our customers might have"

Get FB Ads Free at its core consists of a complete software and video coaching resource pack. The software allows the marketer to easily design pro style facebook fan pages and use these pages to good effect and market products. At the same time building the all important list of hungry buyers. As result the potential is to be able running highly profitable campaigns again and again at will.

So what do you get when you take a peek 'under the bonnet' of Get FB Ads Free? Essentially what you are getting is a software machine that constructs facebook fan pages with the all important built- in secret code hardwired to draw down huge swathes of targeted, focussed, rabid traffic ready to buy.
The good news is that the system is not designed for advanced programmers. Whilst there is plenty there for the elite user there is step by step hand held instruction for the novice. The key aim is always make money online without maxing out ones credit card.

High end products normally are beyond the reach of the average rookie marketer. There were gasps in cyberspace when the pricing of Get FB Ads Free was unveiled. Battle hardened veterans were left open mouthed when the anticipated price point of $1297 or even $1997 and a bigger 'upsell' was not applied They were left apparently stunned when the entry level product came in at less than $100 and a relatively tiny upsell

There was however a large sting in the tail, as the trio of Jani G, Malve and Devon,C have made it clear in 'closed door' discussions with affiliates and JV partners that they do not intend to over market the product and sadly by the time that this goes to press all copies could well have been sold or possibly be subject to a more 'realistic' price tag. At least if you are still able to purchase a copy it will no doubt re-assure that there is a no quibble 60 day money back guarantee attached
For further information on Get FB Ads Free. Click here

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