Gerrick Wilkins Announces Early Release of Landmark Book on Congressional Term Limits

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., December 27, 2023 ( - Amidst a resounding national cry for political reform, Gerrick Wilkins, a Republican candidate for Alabama’s 6th Congressional District, takes a decisive leap by pre-releasing his groundbreaking book, “Unshackling Democracy: Embracing Term Limits, Empowering Citizens.” With the urgency of the nation’s need for reformative discourse, Wilkins makes the ebook available now, with an exclusive pre-order for the hardcover edition.
Ahead of the official March release, Wilkins invites Americans to partake in this vital conversation by pre-ordering a special advanced hardcover copy or by downloading the ebook today from Amazon Kindle or Apple Books.
Wilkins’s "Unshackling Democracy" is more than a call for change; it’s a strategic manifesto for reinvigorating the halls of Congress with fresh minds and ideas. The book decries the entrenchment of career politicians and presents a compelling case for term limits to revitalize our government's representation of the people's will.
Howie Rich, co-founder of U.S. Term Limits, praises Wilkins's work: “Wilkins makes a powerful case... This book bulldozes past the typical talking points in Washington, equipping readers with the knowledge they need to fight — and win — a victory for term limits.”
“Congress has devolved into a cult of careerism, far removed from its roots as a body of citizen legislators. My book aims to restore the original vision for a dynamic, representative Congress, ready to address our nation’s challenges with the innovation it sorely lacks,” states Wilkins.
For more information on the book or to pre-order “Unshackling Democracy,” please visit or send an email to
Wilkins says in his book, “Citizen legislators fit the servant leader model much better than career politicians. This concept is a rich part of our heritage in America. There was a time when people left their farms and other enterprises and committed a certain amount of time (always limited) to public service, after which they returned to their lives.”
Gerrick Wilkins, a conservative Republican contender for Alabama’s 6th Congressional District, is challenging the longstanding incumbent in the upcoming Republican primary on March 5th.
To discover more about his campaign, please visit:
Source: Wilkins for Congress