Genesis Global Marketing, Inc. Focuses on Positivity

No matter how busy the team members at Genesis Global Marketing, Inc. may be, they are committed to positivity and professionalism. The firm's president discussed some of the benefits to this mind-set.

“My colleagues and I at Genesis Global Marketing, Inc. are always on the move,” said Nicole B., the company’s president. “Whether we’re researching and designing new campaigns, on the road promoting, or attending training classes, we’re busy! Understandably, these demands can lead to substantial negativity and burnout if we aren’t careful.”

Nicole has discovered that a positive attitude is one of the most powerful mechanisms for combating stress. She acknowledged that it’s easy to fall into the trap of negativity, but that by making a conscious choice anyone can adopt an optimistic mentality. The associates at Genesis Global Marketing, Inc. are proof of this fact.

"There are so many benefits to a positive outlook,"

Nicole , President

President of Genesis Global Marketing, Inc. Highlights the Favorable Outcomes of Positivity

“There are so many benefits to a positive outlook,” Nicole continued. “It may not seem possible, but developing a brighter perspective is a transformative experience. For example, since making the commitment to be more optimistic, everyone at Genesis Global Marketing, Inc. has experienced less stress.”

“Research shows that stress leads to a number of physical and mental concerns, including depression, digestive problems, body pain, high blood pressure, and more,” she added. “Feeling overwhelmed and being supported by a colleague who reminds you how well you’re doing or helps you with your responsibilities makes a huge impact. Just reminding yourself how capable you are will even noticeably reduce stress.”

According to Nicole, positive attitudes are also contagious. When one person smiles brightly and offers warm greetings, others are apt to do so as well – even those who are having miserable days. These simple acts are enough to break the tension of chaos and soften interactions between peers.

Nicole also appreciates that fact that an upbeat mentality is one of the few things in life over which anyone has control. She pointed out that people often get discouraged because they obsess over things they can’t change. It’s an unhealthy waste of energy.

“We cannot control the market, how other people act, and a lot of other things,” Nicole concluded. “The ways we live our lives are among the few things that are our own. Why not make these journeys as enjoyable and rewarding as possible? It isn’t always easy, but staying positive is well worth the effort.”