Gene Jessup's New Book 'Living a Dream' is an Autobiographical Story About the Family History and Colorful Reflections of a Man and His Life

Gene Jessup, a man who finds humor in his life experiences, has completed his new book, "Living a Dream": a story written in search for understanding and peace of mind.

Gene writes, "My book, Living A Dream, has been described in several different ways: an autobiography, a family history, a father's memories, or a colorful reflection of a man and his life.

"I have tried to tell my story as I traveled through a difficult childhood, my escape from the family disease of alcoholism, and the beginning of a new life for me and my loved ones. For most of us, our lives reflect the many and varied aspects of the human experience—laughter and tears, joy and sorrow. We are sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, loving companions. But inevitably, we are but a memory in the minds of those whom we have loved.

"I believe that humor heals the soul and is of God's grace. I endeavor to introduce humor into a variety of personal experiences. There are, of course, painful memories in which only sorrow and tears can be found. Hopefully, in time, a new perception and awareness will bring a peaceful acceptance to replace the pain."

Published by Fulton Books, Gene Jessup's talks of childhood difficulties, escaping from alcoholism, and beginning a new life.

Readers who wish to read more about these real-life experiences can purchase "Living a Dream" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books