Gateway Concepts Focuses on Connections

The Gateway Concepts team recently attended a quarterly conference, where they were given the chance to network with top leaders in the industry. It inspired the firm's director to emphasize networking skills in ongoing training sessions.

"Networking is a key way to expand your knowledge, learn from the success of others, attain new business, and tell people about your company," said Ali, the director of operations at Gateway Concepts. The referrals that the team gets through networking are normally high quality. By following up on the leads, associates can turn them into partners or solid business contacts, she added.

Networking is about building long-term relationships and a good reputation over time, both of which are vital to the success of Gateway Concepts, the director said. What’s more, exchanging information on challenges, experiences, and goals allows associates to gain new insights. Similarly, offering ideas to a contact helps spread the word that the firm’s team members are innovative thinkers.

"For example, we teach our team that they don't have to put pressure on themselves to meet a lot of people,"

Ali, Director of Operations

Gateway Concepts Teaches Networking Best Practices

Gateway Concepts’ leaders hold workshops to teach introverted team members how to become comfortable with networking. "This ability is important to our success," she added. "We teach our associates to exercise confidence when making connections, and how to follow up with new contacts."

“For example, we teach our team that they don't have to put pressure on themselves to meet a lot of people,” Ali continued. "You can go to an event and be there for 20 to 30 minutes and make great progress just by talking to one or two attendees. One quality conversation is more beneficial than 20 superficial ones."

“The more you network, the easier it gets, so I urge my associates to practice. If I'm heading to the water cooler and I see somebody I know, I might stop for a minute or two and ask that person how his or her day is going. I encourage them to take similar action just to stay in that networking mindset," Ali said.

Team members are also urged not to spread themselves too thin. "When you bounce around to too many events where no one knows you, you’re doing yourself a disservice by having to build your brand from scratch in each environment,” Ali concluded. “Our associates find that networking is a lot more fun when they attend a few regular events. With their talent and our training, I’m confident that they will continue to excel. I look forward to all they will accomplish for themselves and for Gateway Concepts."

About Gateway Concepts

Gateway Concepts is a big name in the marketing and consulting industry. The firm’s talented and experienced team members conduct extensive research and analysis as they leverage interactive sales channels to foster mutually beneficial relationships between businesses and consumers. By creating exciting and compelling buyer experiences, Gateway Concepts helps represented brands maintain a competitive edge. Leveraging an informative training system designed to provide their associates with comprehensive education and skills, the company’s experts have effectively built an organization based on passion, drive, and excellence. To learn more about the services offered at Gateway Concepts, visit