Futurist Jack Uldrich Says Embracing Our Ignorance is the Key to...

Embracing ideas like an expanding universe and exploring top tech trends are just a few of the topics futurist Jack Uldrich tackles in his keynote speeches. Uldrich is confirmed as the keynote speaker at four events throughout the month of June.

Where is the universe expanding to? Global futurist and keynote speaker Jack Uldrich says, "The honest answer is that nobody is entirely sure."

Uldrich is slated to deliver four keynote speeches throughout the month of June, starting with the ULI Florida Leadership Summit.

Uldrich's keynote topics vary from future-proofing to top tech trends. And one of the most intriguing questions that drives Uldrich's research is where the universe is expanding to. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, the spacetime continuum cannot remain stationary and must either expand or contract; Uldrich says, "since there is no indication the universe is currently collapsing upon itself, it is believed the universe is expanding."

When asked to expound on this Uldrich replied, "One leading theory encourages people to think of the universe as an expanding balloon with its billions of galaxies as dots on the outer surface of the balloon. From this perspective, it might appear as though the galaxies are moving away from one another but actually, they remain in the same relative position (i.e. the same longitude and latitude on the balloon) and it is only the fabric which is expanding."

"It is, to say the least, an unsatisfying answer," says Uldrich. "And it may even be proven to be wildly off base at some point in the future. In fact, some string theorists believe there may be 11 or more dimensions and our universe is but one 'balloon' in a weird and sortied pack of "balloons." Notwithstanding this possibility, the notion of an expanding universe is a fitting metaphor for unlearning."

And unlearning is Uldrich's specialty. Uldrich is the founder and "Chief Unlearning Officer" of The School of Unlearning — an international consultancy designed to assist organizations succeed tomorrow by unlearning today.

Uldrich says, "New advances in technology bring forth exciting discoveries every day. But often lost in this new reality is the fact that organizations must unlearn old, obsolete knowledge and old ways of doing business, before they can seize tomorrow's opportunities."

To further demonstrate his point, Uldrich sites President Kennedy's famous speech declaring America's goal to place a man on the moon and safely return him. In that speech Uldrich says, "Kennedy pointed out our ignorance is unfolding faster than we can acquire knowledge as a cold-hard fact."

"While this may sound like a depressing statement and, perhaps, it is; it is also a notion that anyone serious about unlearning must embrace. To understand, consider that the sheer growth of scientific and technical knowledge. As smart, intelligent or knowledgeable as any person or organization may be about continued advances in information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology and the countless other fields and disciplines that populate our world, it is impossible to keep abreast, let alone, make sense of all of this new knowledge."

Uldrich is a futurist who travels the world speaking helping leaders and workers absorb and embrace this knowledge. He speaks on topics ranging from future trends, change management, and unlearning to a variety of organizations in industries ranging from education, utilities, healthcare and agriculture. His clients include ABB, Verizon Wireless, BCBS, Cargill, Land O' Lakes and GE among others.

Uldrich's first engagement in June next is delivering his keynote speech, "How to Prepare Florida for Tomorrow's transformational Trends" on June 4th.

Parties interested in learning more about Uldrich, or his writing or speaking availability are encouraged to go to his website.

Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2015/05/prweb12739173.htm

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