Futurist Jack Uldrich and "The Crystal Ball of Commercial Real Estate"

Oklahoma City, OK, February 21, 2017 (Newswire.com) - The commercial real estate industry is shifting in ways never imagined before, and as technology continues to morph and improve (think 3D printing) it holds the potential to impact the industry even more profoundly.
Futurist Jack Uldrich, will deliver a keynote address to the Commercial Real Estate Council of Oklahoma City on February 23 and discuss the influence of technological growth upon the commercial real estate industry. He encourages his clients in industries that range from urban planning to education and energy, to start embracing the changes. Otherwise, "they may just get left behind."
"The faster we can recognize potential changes in technology, the better-prepared the industry of commercial real estate will be in the long run."
Jack Uldrich, Futurist and Keynote Speaker
Uldrich says, "At first glance, it may not be apparent, but self-driving cars, 3-D printers, and virtual reality will all have a tremendous effect on how commercial real estate works."
In addition to 3D printing, which is the obvious game changer in the industry, Uldrich will also describe several other trends that could impact commercial real estate, including, virtual reality, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, building materials, robotics, manufacturing, and shipping.
Uldrich says, "Amazon is currently developing ‘predictive shipping’ – which that at alone, will require more distribution centers throughout the country."
Everyone in the industry from ranging from agents to designers to construction workers will need to increase their awareness of the advances in technology because at the end of the day these technologies will radically impact their future.
Nobody has a crystal ball that will tell you exactly what's going to happen, and if you encounter anyone who says they can predict the future--Uldrich says, "Run!"
What can be done, though, and what Jack Uldrich wants to motivate his clients to undertake, is opening their minds to embracing change.
"The faster we can recognize potential changes in technology, the better-prepared the industry of commercial real estate will be in the long run."
For more information on Jack Uldrich, please view his website.
Source: Jack Uldrich & The School of Unlearning