Fulton Books Author A.L. Kinshella's New Book 'The God of Our Fathers' is an Insightful Exposition That Tackles the Principles and Beliefs of America's Founding Fathers

A.L. Kinshella, a member of the National Daughters of the American Revolution, a healthcare educator, and a graduate of an advanced studies program in biblical research and history, has completed her most recent book "The God of our Fathers": an informative piece dwelling on the true beliefs of the men and women who built America and sent it to greatness. This book aims to support the claims that America was built upon a reverence for God. By laying out the historical information of the founding fathers, readers will get to witness the faith, strength, and resiliency of these founders in their struggle, to build a new life in America.

Kinshella shares, "Does it really matter what the Founding Fathers believed? Would the discovery of their true beliefs alter the way we think of America? The men and women whom we refer to as the Founders began an unprecedented journey to form and build a new way of life, a new government, and a new country. Determined to establish a free republic founded on principles of liberty, democracy, and reverence for the God who gave them life and liberty, they forged one nation united in a common belief that each citizen could determine their own destiny and that each voice could speak without fear of their religious convictions. In The God of Our Fathers, we see that America was founded upon the principles of their believing, a conviction which will stand through the ages. Their voices, from the pages of history, tell us in their own words that the America they envisioned was truly one nation under God."

Published by Fulton Books, A.L. Kinshella's book is an illuminating prose that deftly guides the readers to a historical fact that America was originally founded as a Christian nation. With all the counter-narratives and disputes going around this statement, the author hopes to encourage every American to learn and appreciate the struggle the founders endured as they strove to build a unified nation built upon the principles of their believing.

The author brilliantly organized every founder's profile to assure the readers of a credible read. Those who are interested in politics and would want to know more of their nation's history, this work is a good starting point.

Readers who wish to experience this thought-provoking work can purchase "The God of our Fathers" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books