FTI Groups Announces Updates to sureDispatch Software

Keller, TX, March 10, 2015 (Newswire.com) - FTI Groups, Inc., a leading provider of software solutions announced today the release of the latest upgrades to it’s popular dispatch software, sureDispatch. sureDispatch is a simple dispatch system that allows companies to manage the entire dispatch work flow with web and mobile applications. The new updates include many user requested features.
“We are excited about these new feature releases.” said Kami Rogers, sureDispatch Product Manager. “As the number of companies that use sureDispatch continues to grow, we are glad to be able to offer the features most important to our users. One example of this is the integration with our fleet maintenance software, sureFleet. sureDispatch and sureFleet combined provide a complete suite of fleet management software tools.”
New features include additional customization options designed to support our approach to dispatching across numerous filed service industries. These changes include user-defined data fields for the call screen, custom headers and footers for customer invoices, and optional customer specific pricing items. This release also includes updates that allow both web and mobile application users to stay current on new call and job assignment information immediately as information is added via system alerts. In addition to these features, new reports have been added and existing reports have been improved and expanded on. Reports now include Employee and Customer Productivity reports, Employee Commission Report, and a Customer Statement report. The free sureDispatch mobile application was also updated with the most recent release to include a redesigned and more user-friendly interface and the ability to capture customer signature at the end of a job or call assignment. A new knowledge base site has also been completed to assist users with any questions they may have. The sureDispatch Knowledge Base can be found at faq.sureDispatch.com.
sureDispatch is composed of a web-based application and a mobile application, available on both Android and iOS platforms. The web application allows companies to receive and enter calls, assign technicians and vehicles to the appropriate jobs, maintain customer profiles, and manage invoicing and payments. The system accommodates job scheduling and appointments, customized services and pricing, and customer invoicing and payments. The mobile application enables technicians and drivers to receive assignments, update job statuses, take photos, and call customers. The web and mobile applications work together to allow easy communication between office staff and its field force without the need for repetitive phone and radio calls. sureDispatch also allows for electronic call receipt from customers connected to its partnered data network. Companies interested in learning more about sureDispatch can sign up for a free trial by visiting the sureDispatch website.
To learn more about sureDispatch, visit www.suredispatch.com. Kami Rogers, sureDispatch Product Manager, can be reached by e-mail at krogers@ftigroups.com or by phone at 877-401-2345 ext. 204.
About FTI Groups, Inc.
FTI Groups, Inc. is a leading provider of benefits and software services in a variety of industries. FTI Groups improves vendor relationships and the bottom line at member companies through its towPartners, twoPartners, and Everything Fleet brands. FTI Groups is the provider of software tools including sureFleet, sureDispatch, Pelican Mouth and sureMembership. More information about FTI Groups can be found at www.ftigroups.com.