Freedom to operate services to fuel the Brand Name and Generic Pharma Competition.

The present market condition where Generic pharmaceutical companies try to match every Brand name drug with a copycat version, there is very high possibility of patent infringements. It is very essential for Generics to be aware of the patent liabili

The present market condition where Generic pharmaceutical companies try to match every Brand name drug with a copycat version, there is very high possibility of patent infringements. It is very essential for Generics to be aware of the patent liabilities before entering any regulated market. A miscalculation in patent expiry dates of brand name drugs leading to the launch of a generic product would result in a patent infringement suit thereby costing billions in settlement. Freedom to operate (FTO) enables pharmaceutical companies to identify the areas of research open to them. Brain League is one company that provides such FTOs and understands the criticality attached with pharmaceutical market.

Brain League's team of experts analyze patents and scrutinize claims, providing a 'Go' or 'No Go' to pharmaceutical companies considering patent liabilities in countries of interest. Brain League's ability to provide FTOs in more than 25 counties including Brazil, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Russia, Spain, etc in addition to India, US, Germany, Japan, France, etc make it easier for pharmaceutical companies to identify potential market. Brain League's Online project tracking system, one of its kinds, makes it easier for companies to monitor project status, check project history, review relevant reports, configure alerts and track deadlines.
Speaking about the Freedom to operate Service, Dr. Kalyan, Chief Knowledge Officer of Brain League said, "The furious Brand Name and Generics competition makes FTOs a critical tool essential for the growth of pharmaceutical research and development."

FTOs fuel such healthy competition which would ultimately favor public's easy access to medicine. Brain League's expertise in providing Patent expiry date services, SPC term related information and Marketing authorization related information in addition to Freedom to operate services makes Brain League a one stop patent service provider to generic pharmaceutical companies. To learn more about the services, please visit

About Brain League

Brain League is a leading Intellectual Property (IP) services company providing end to end services in various countries. The company was founded by graduates from IIT, Madras, IIM, Bangalore, National Law School of India University, Bangalore and Franklin Pierce Law Center, USA. Brain League is one of the first companies to successfully incubate out of NSRCEL at IIM, Bangalore. It offers services covering IP generation, protection, commercialization and management. Its services are offered by experienced personnel whose experience, specialization and training suit the requirements of the client. It provides services with a blend of technology, management and law. It is one of the first companies in India to realize the importance of blending technology, management and legal expertise in providing value added Intellectual Property services. Its well qualified team and proprietary technology enabled processes allows it to provide high quality services and maintain timelines. Its technology and legal measures enables it to maintain confidentiality of client information.