Freedom Concepts Focuses on Presentation Skills

The director at Freedom Concepts highlights management's investment in team member training, with special emphasis on presentation skills. He also announced a new hiring push.

“Professional development is a critical piece of the Freedom Concepts culture,” said Adam, the firm’s director of operations. “We take every opportunity to help our team members learn and grow on an ongoing basis. This ensures their long-term success, as well as that of our firm. What’s more, my colleagues and I place great focus on their presentation skills. Public speaking is a huge part of our work, and our people are quite adept in this area. Still, we want to ensure that they remain ahead of the curve.”

Adam explained that there are several important points discussed in the presentation skills training. For instance, he highlighted the need for preparation. “By fully researching and understanding the topic at hand, and practicing your speech, you will boost your confidence,” he stated. “The more confident you are, the greater the likelihood of giving a memorable presentation.”

"The more confident you are, the greater the likelihood of giving a memorable presentation."

Adam, Director of Operations

According to Adam, it is also vital that presenters open themselves personally during speeches. He encourages the Freedom Concepts professionals to use anecdotes and examples of their own experiences while speaking to groups of people. During their training, they take turns practicing sharing personal messages. Their peers then help them ensure that their stories align with the overall points they’re trying to convey.

“I also work with my associates on their body language,” Adam continued. “So much is communicated this way, so it’s crucial that everyone is aware of what they say nonverbally. For instance, we review the importance of eye contact and an open stance. There should never be crossed arms or hiding behind lecterns. We want to be open and welcoming to our audiences.”

The firm’s presentation skills training usually conclude with reminders to pay attention to logistics. The team members are urged to confirm the correct locations of their speaking venues and to understand the sizes and professions of their audiences. They are also reminded to ensure that the appropriate tech tools are in working order well in advance.

Leadership at Freedom Concepts Reports Sales and Marketing Career Opportunities

“The Freedom Concepts training program has led to a stellar team of innovative and talented professionals,” Adam concluded. “As a result, we produce sensational campaigns and earn more business constantly. To accommodate this growing demand, I’ve opened several sales and marketing positions. We’re seeking driven people to fulfill these roles, and I’m happy to note that we have a lot to offer. In addition to our top-notch training and development regimen, we offer the possibility of rapid advancement as well as many exciting travel opportunities. I invite anyone who would like to learn more to visit our website.”

About Freedom Concepts

Freedom Concepts is a goal-oriented experiential marketing firm. They offer customized initiatives that drive lead generation and take clients to new levels of success and wider brand awareness. Through enticing rewards packages and sponsored vouchers, Freedom Concepts makes lasting connections between companies and the public, which lead to mutually-beneficial relationships that result in boosted bottom lines and sustained brand loyalty. A dedication to professional development that produces well-rounded branding specialists ensures that the firm will continue serving diverse clients with excellence, helping them exceed their biggest goals for promotion and overall growth.