Freedom Concepts Focuses on Goals at Quarterly Conference

Freedom Concepts' team recently attended an event which offered leaders and associates a chance to learn from each other and focus on team unity. The weekend also highlighted team members who achieved significant milestones.

​According to Adam, Freedom Concepts' director of operations, "One of the keys to business success is building a team that knows how to work together. This conference gave our people a chance to work together to expand unity and success."

"Team relationships are built on trust, which develops because you believe in a person's integrity, loyalty, or expertise. You need to know that you can depend on your network, and your contacts need to know that they can depend on you. It's really that simple. This conference was a great way to strengthen bonds," Adam explained.

"As a group, we are much more efficient, creative, and successful when we work together,"

Adam, Director of Operations

The leaders at Freedom Concepts try to foster a supportive environment where each member can thrive and grow. "As a group, we are much more efficient, creative, and successful when we work together," Adam said.

According to Adam, the firm’s executives have special skills that contribute to the success of the company. "Working together in a relaxed setting gave us a chance to really spend quality time getting to know each other and learning about other members' strengths. This is very important for building our team dynamics."

Freedom Concepts Highlights Goal Setting


During the conference, Freedom Concepts’ people attended training in market research, strategic planning, and consumer behavior. The conference also centered on goal setting. As Adam put it, most companies see a dramatic increase in performance when their team members set goals, and closely tie them to the company's overall strategy.

"It’s not enough for a business to stay stable. Once something stays at status quo too long, it starts diminishing. This is why it’s important to set targets for your business. This includes goals for the firm’s growth, loss prevention, profits, revenues, customer satisfaction, and promotions," Adam explained.

Freedom Concepts leaders help their team set new ambitions that will see them grow both personally and professionally. Focusing on personal goals helps people gain confidence and clarity, which in turn leads to a stronger team.

"Setting goals helps our people understand what they are working towards. When your team understands what you are trying to accomplish, it provides greater rationale for the decisions you make," Adam said. “We offer growth opportunities to our team members, so that those who use their gifts to reach their objectives often find themselves promoted to leadership positions quickly.”

After working at the conference with some of the top leaders, the firm’s associates were able to refocus on their goals to build their career and professional network. "We were given the chance to re-evaluate our current aims, and to discuss what we thought our future goals should be. The conference focused on benefitting us as a team at Freedom Concepts, but also on making ourselves better individuals," Adam explained.