Freedom Concepts Channels the Lessons Learned From Sports

At Freedom Concepts, an interactive marketing firm, the motto says it all - work hard, play hard. It's common to see team members working together to score a win for a brand. Even the office competitions reflect lessons from sports.

“We are a sports-minded company,” proclaimed Adam, Freedom Concepts’ director of operations. “My philosophy is if you want to succeed in business, you need to emulate those who make a career out of winning, like athletes and sports teams. There is an abundance of lessons to be learned from what happens on the field or court that are easily transferable to business practices.”

Adam described how the Freedom Concept team functions like an athletic organization. “To win, your team members must work in concert with each other,” he said. “On the field, team members maintain different positions. It is essential that the team collaborates in order to score. They must be aware of each other’s roles. If your defense doesn’t know what your offensive strategy is, how can they provide support to those players? Companies which are comprised of departmental silos that do not coordinate with each other are limiting their own abilities to respond to the business environment, which is a recipe for failure.”

"A coach has to be tough when warranted, but able to inspire his or her team to perform at their best,"

Adam, Director of Operations

According to Adam, winning teams have outstanding coaches leading the charge. “A coach has to be tough when warranted, but able to inspire his or her team to perform at their best,” he stressed. “If you have a coach who focuses on berating his or her team, and morale is low, they won’t function as well. I believe the best leaders are those who model the hard work they wish their team to emulate.”

Freedom Concepts’ Managers Discuss Thinking Like an Athlete

While an overall team effort is required for a business to succeed, Adam proposed that individual associates also have to adopt winning attitudes. “Athletes are programmed to win,” he said. “They don’t allow themselves to become disheartened by loss. They’ll review the game tape, identify their mistakes, and focus their training efforts on that area prior to their next match. They strive to become the best.”

Continual training is another athletic practice that Adam has implemented at Freedom Concepts. “Our rookies undergo rigorous training to learn our methodology,” he stated. “However, we also have frequent team-building sessions and other knowledge-sharing opportunities that provide pathways to growth. Our team members are encouraged to learn and refine their skillsets.”

“The most crucial aspect of being sports minded is to always have your focus on the goal line,” Adam concluded. “Between our focus on teamwork, internal competitions, and our personal best, we continue to score wins for our brand and for ourselves.”

About Freedom Concepts

Freedom Concepts is a goal-oriented experiential marketing firm. They offer customized initiatives that drive lead generation and take clients to new levels of success and wider brand awareness. Through enticing rewards packages and sponsored vouchers, Freedom Concepts makes lasting connections between companies and the public, which lead to mutually-beneficial relationships that result in boosted bottom lines and sustained brand loyalty. A dedication to professional development that produces well-rounded branding specialists ensures that the firm will continue serving diverse clients with excellence, helping them exceed their biggest goals for promotion and overall growth.