Free Teleconference Answers How Churches Make Better Decisions about Money

Marcuson Leadership Circle sponsors a free monthly conference call. This month's topic: "How Do Churches Make Good Decisions about Money?" Thursday, September 16, 2010, noon ET.

Dr. Emlyn Ott of Healthy Congregations will be the guest of Margaret Marcuson on a free teleconference call September 16, 2010, noon ET on an important topic: how churches make better decisions about money.

Churches are facing the necessity of making difficult decisions in today's ongoing economic roller-coaster. Dr. Ott says, "Sitting with a group of leaders from a community of faith yesterday, I was reminded of words I heard once from a wise parishioner: 'Instead of thinking about giving until it hurts, what about giving until it feels good?'" She notes, "In making decisions about money in these challenging times, I see a sense of generosity and clarity emerging in decisions regarding money." She says that some leaders are aware of their own history attached to money and giving, and also the history of their own community. They consider the principles that guide their choices and their leadership in making these necessary decisions.

Marcuson, author of Leaders Who Last: Sustaining Yourself and Your Ministry (Seabury 2009) and a forthcoming book on churches and money, will engage Dr. Ott in conversation with the opportunity for listeners to ask questions.

Emlyn A. Ott, D.Min., is the Executive Director of Healthy Congregations, founded by Peter Steinke. Ott is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and has served as a parish pastor, campus minister, pastoral counselor, leader and seminary professor during the past 20 years.

Teleconference call-in information is available by calling 503-701-7621 or e-mailing There is a limit of 99 callers. A recording will be available for those who cannot make the call.