Free Palm Desert Small Business Workshop Offers Opportunity to Win $1,000 Grants


Everett Sands, CEO of online small business lender, Lendistry, will be presenting at a small business workshop in Palm Desert on Thursday, March 30th, hosted by The Center, a southern California based business coaching non-profit organization. Access to Capital is a one-day event  where a number of industry professionals will discuss funding options for small businesses in all stages of maturity looking for capital from $500 to $1 million. Other topics will include managing personal and business credit, understanding the components of a loan package, and marketing your business through email and social media. Registrants will also have an opportunity to win one of three $1,000 grants, which will be awarded at the end of the workshop.

In addition to loans from traditional banks, registrants will learn about alternative online lenders like Lendistry who offer established small businesses funding up to $1MM. Lendistry also offers a unique product to California business owners through state programs, allowing for lower FICO scores than other lenders. If your business is just getting off the ground and you need a smaller loan for start-up capital, working capital, or to purchase equipment or inventory, microlenders like Accion can help.

Lendistry CEO Everett K. Sands believes in the power of small business to create jobs, build local economies, and strengthen communities, a sentiment echoed by Accion’s Ruben Flores, Business Development Officer in Coachella Valley. As a nonprofit, Accion views itself as a partner to small businesses as they offer small businesses support services through an extensive network of resources including publicity and training opportunities.

“Entrepreneurs care about improving their communities, whether that means simple improvements to their storefront, or involvement in local initiatives and charities. Small businesses tend to be very collaborative and work with other entrepreneurs to help each other grow,” says Flores.

Everett K. Sands, Ruben Flores, and other professionals will be on hand to answer all questions regarding small business funding. The event takes place at the UC Riverside, Palm Desert Center at 75080 Frank Sinatra Drive in Palm Desert. For additional information and registration for this free event please click  here.

Source: Lendistry