Free Microsoft Certification Exam Voucher for Exam 70-480

Now you can take the Microsoft Certification Exam 70-480 - Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 - absolutely free of charge! This offer is available for a limited time only.

Free Microsoft Certification Exam Voucher - Exam 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

Take the Microsoft Certification Exam 70-480 - Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 - absolutely free of charge!


Please complete the form linked at the bottom of the page to receive the voucher code to take Microsoft Exam 70-480 free of charge. Those who fill out the form will receive an email with complete instructions on how to register for this exam. The form asks about interest in Microsoft Certification and Training Bootcamps - which has absolutely no impact on the voucher code. Absolutely no purchase or commitment to CertificationCamps is required. Only 1 Voucher Per Person. Overall number of voucher codes are limited and offer can be terminated at anytime. By completing the form - participants acknowledge and agree CertificationCamps has no liability or responsibility beyond providing a free Microsoft exam voucher code (based on availability).


The Microsoft Certification Exam 70-480 tests candidates on knowledge of HTML5 programming and one to two years experience in HTML and JavaScript programming and development are recommended. Exam tests skills such as implementation and manipulation of document structures, implementation of program flow, Data Security such as user imput validation, and use of CSS3 in applications for UI styling. Passing the exam certifies applicant as a Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Specialist, and counts as a credit toward both MCSD: Web Applications and MCSD: Windows Store Apps using HTML5 certifications.


Training resources and preparation materials for Microsoft Exam 70-480 can be found through Microsoft's website. For training bootcamps and exams for MCSD: Web Applications and MCSD: Windows Store Apps using HTML5 certifications, visit

Please visit this link to complete the form.

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