Free Local Classified Search Engine Launched by MapleMe has expanded its services to a global and comprehensive online classifieds directory. has expanded its services to a global and comprehensive online classifieds directory. The worldwide portal includes the database of 21countries and features 8 major categories. It is common platform for the buyers, sellers, job seekers, employers, service providers and general public interested in searching or posting classified ads on the web.

The 8 well-defined categories ensure easy search for the users interested in anything from job openings and real estate deals to vehicles and other products for sale. It is a wide search engine that can help you locate anything that you need. While the web-marketers can use the website's services for increasing their business's online presence, the employers can post free classified ads for getting applications from the suitable job seekers.

MapleMe comes up as a user-friendly and SEO-friendly online classifieds site that can greatly ease your job of finding the needed services. Anyone interested in posting an ad at the portal just has to create a user account and fill in the details of the ad to make it live instantly. Since one can use the space provided by the website for posting ads without paying any money, it is an apt medium for selling the used stuff like old furniture, computer, radio set, guitar and exercisers etc. as well.

The web-based classifieds are rapidly gaining popularity in India along with the other developed nations of the world. MapleMe welcomes the users from as many as 21 countries that include Australia, China, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, UK, India, Pakistan and others. One can easily reach the wanted adverts by selecting the location and category.

The site does justice to its punch line that says - '...maps buyers and sellers' as it is a meeting place for both the vendors as well as the customers. The services are worthy for anyone interested in a free of cost medium reaching the targeted audience or the needed services in their locality.

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