Fred Price Celebrates EIFTV
Online, April 25, 2013 (
Contact: Baltimore Scott
Marking a historic milestone on May 5, 2013, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price celebrates 35 years of continuous broadcasting of his "Ever Increasing Faith" television program. Launched 35 years ago in the five key American cities of Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Detroit and Washington, DC, the program spread quickly nationwide and extended to international audiences reaching millions of viewers each week.
A day of celebration will be held on May 5, 2013 with simulcast of services held at the church home of Ever Increasing Faith Television (EIFTV),Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles and Crenshaw Christian Center New York. At the New York church located at 96th Street and Central Park West, services will begin at 11:00 AM with a dynamic message from Jerome Talley, Pastor of Daylight Christian Center of Detroit who turned his life around, received salvation and accepted the call to the ministry through the EIFTV program.
Past and present EIFTV viewers are invited to attend the "homecoming" celebration program at
Crenshaw Christian Center in New York. The service is also open and free to the general public.
The 35th Anniversary program will continue with the joint service between the Los Angeles church and New York church via simulcast. The program will feature a number of celebratory events including vintage clips from past television programs, members of the original in house television production crew, and a choral rendition of the EIFTV signature song, "Evidence." In Los Angeles, attendees will have an opportunity to visit a hall of fame collection of memorabilia from the 35 year program history.
Historically, EIFTV with Or. Price is one of the longest running religious broadcasts in television history. His program was the first time a black minister went on nationwide television in America. EIFTV was also a pioneer in its format which featured an hour of teaching and a minister who walked around the audience teaching directly from the Bible. Over the years, the program attracted millions of viewers, black, white and a multiplicity of other racial and cultural groups. The program helped recast the typical religious broadcast from one of "preaching'' to one of "teaching."
Citing Hosea 4:6 from the Old Testament Bible which says1 "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge," Dr. Price believes that people have less a need for inspiration from preaching and more a need for information from teaching. He adds, "with the right information, one could then be truly inspired."
At age 80,Dr. Price travels around the nation and the world engaged in his apostolic work of encouraging local church growth. He continues the television ministry sharing the teaching pulpit with his son, Pastor Frederick Price, Jr. who serves as the Pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center Los Angeles, home of the 10,000 seat Faith Dome established by his father.
For 35 years, EIFTV has ended its broadcast with the same iconic verse from the New
Testament Bible in 2 Corinthians 5:7: "For we walk by faith and not by sight."