Frausun's Electronic German Opera, The Dawn, Coming To The Eisemann Center September, 29 2012

Invoking folk traditional instruments, the Norse myths and Electronic music, Frausun's The Dawn, is an opera in German about 2 lovers, one a Norse warrior, the other a Valkyrie, who profess their love to one another before taking to the battlefiel

Dallas, TX: Invoking folk traditional instruments, the Norse myths and Electronic music, Frausun's The Dawn, is an opera in German about 2 lovers, one a Norse warrior, the other a Valkyrie, who profess their love to one another before taking to battle on the fields of Ragnarok.

Unconventional in its creation, the vocals were recorded, with Jennifer Sowle and John G. Jones, first, with the score improvised from their voices. The English to German translation of the libretto was done by Erik Werner of the Houston Opera.

"The work began as simply a poem dedicated to my love. Eventually it grew in length and I realized what I held in my hands had all the possibilities of becoming something massive."

Yngve and Agata begin the opera by singing about love for each other before they take to the battlefield, where they previously had consummated their passions. While Agata sings of her fear of death, Yngve convinces her that it is prophecy and that the truth of their struggle will come at the end. With the discovery of her pregnancy, Act 2 begins with Yngve torn between his duty to war and how to save his family. As the two lover's struggle to stay united against the coming war, they eventually lose the battle, with the entire world destroyed.

"The instruments are at conflict with each other, fighting to be dominant. The singers can seem haunting at some moments, taking over when the musical battle has ended, at other times, they are victims of the attack."

However, before Odin has perished, moved by their pure love, He gives them a new life as the first two humans to be born in the shattered Yggdrasil. With the production complete, Act 3 signals them being reborn and their child joining them.

"The vision I have for this is one that leaves the audience with sensory overload from lights to cannon fire, as if they were a part of the battle themselves. This is trench warfare: the audience, the enemy, on one side, the performers on the other." Kurtz

It's advised that those with heart conditions or epilepsy should not attend the production because of its flashing lights and sudden bursts of sound.

For more information about the dawn, visit: or call 214-883-3277. To purchase tickets, visit:

About Frausun

Dallas Texas
Dallas, TX
