Frank Behr's New Book 'A Casino Cursed' is a Chilling Novel About an Offbeat Casino Possessing Haunting Secrets

Fulton Books author Frank Behr, a father of two who served the public from banking to sales and, finally, ended his working years dealing in a casino, has completed his most recent book "A Casino Cursed": an extraordinary fiction about spouses who find themselves with an inheritance that's going to change the trajectory of their lives. Derrick and Robyn discover that their newly-inherited casino carries a dark truth that will shake their courage. Will they be able to bring down these evil forces?

Behr shares, "Ever thought you would like to own a casino? Be careful what you wish for.

"A young couple inherits a small offbeat casino and lodge. It also comes with being cursed. They both come equipped with casino backgrounds. Derrick Burns is a top gaming supervisor. Robyn Burns is an event planner. As they work with restrictions to operate and make this offbeat casino profitable, they experience several curses—one deadly. They try everything within their power to defeat the curses before it is too late.

"It is either destroy the curses, give up the casino, or die trying.

"A compelling story that is intriguing, supernatural, sexy, and challenging."

Published by Fulton Books, Frank Behr's gripping tale follows the nerve-wracking truths of a cursed casino and the hidden skeletons in its closets. This novel will trace the trail of blood under its carpets and the readers are about to witness how this one young couple attempt to fight the tragedy it could bring. 

Readers who wish to experience this riveting work can purchase "A Casino Cursed" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books