FPFG Announces Business Relationship With Dr. Laurie Pappas

Dr. Laurie Pappas is an educator, spiritual counselor, speaker, writer and life coach. The Free Publicity Focus Group is a marketing and publicity firm that specializes in developing marketing strategies and strategic marketing plans

Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group announced that the company has teamed up with Dr. Laurie Pappas, author of 'The Loving Heart: Navigating the Journey from Conflict to Peace'

Dr. Laurie Pappas is an educator, spiritual counselor, speaker, writer and life coach. She lives and teaches using ancient psycho-spiritual principles. She is the co-founder of the Metro Detroit Center for Attitudinal Healing, a non-profit center, whose activities she directed for 16 years. She has been counseling for 22 years. She has taught classes and workshops and trained support group leaders, in addition to writing articles for a large metaphysical newspaper.

"Dr. Laurie Pappas," stated Mr. McCauley, "is the author of 'The Loving Heart: Navigating the Journey from Conflict to Peace'. Her message to both individuals and to the world offers a real path to creating peace, both on a personal level and on a global scale. Not only does she offer answers, she also provides practical instruction on how to eliminate anxiety and fear, and to create hope, happiness and ultimately the state of peace. This is a message sorely needed in today's global environment. We hope to be able to help her spread that message."

The Free Publicity Focus Group helps individuals, small businesses and professionals create low cost publicity and marketing campaigns to increase sales. The company's primary focus is to illustrate how anyone can develop a massive marketing and publicity campaign for little or no money by utilizing cutting edge strategic marketing and publicity resources. The goal is always to produce bottom line results and to help other recognize the enormous potential for building publicity and marketing campaigns using no cost publicity resources in both traditional and electronic media. The company shares its successful, real world experience, strategies for creating awareness and visibility in the Internet environment and methods for building campaigns for little or no money, with hundreds of companies and individual clients.

Don McCauley is available for media interview and can be reached using the information below or by email at don@freepublicitygroup.com.

About FPFG

2259 Camelia Dr.
Supply, NC
