Fortis Marketing Solutions Plans for Successful 2016

Company leaders at Fortis Marketing Solutions have set high benchmarks for performance and leadership development in 2016. The Director of Operations discussed this and shared tips for achieving lofty goals.

“We had an incredible 2015 here at Fortis Marketing Solutions,” declared the firm’s Director of Operations. “With 2016 upon us, we are setting even higher benchmarks for performance and re-dedicating ourselves to delivering unmatched results for our business partners. Our associates are already making headway on short-term objectives, and I know they will come through on our long-range targets as well.”

It would have been easy for the leadership team at Fortis Marketing Solutions to coast a bit on accomplishments from last year. The Director remarked, “We know it’s dangerous to rest on your laurels, no matter how much success you have achieved. When we closed out 2015 with so much positive momentum, we knew we owed it to ourselves and to the brands we represent to keep our collective foot on the gas going into the new year. It is an exciting time to be involved with Fortis Marketing Solutions, and I believe this will be a banner year for all of us.”

"One of the biggest keys to realizing goals is simply putting them in writing,"

Company executives will continue to focus on leadership training in 2016. “Our team members are always working to become more dynamic leaders,” the Director proclaimed. “We provide them with all types of developmental opportunities, from industry conferences to lunch-and-learn programs here at the office. These efforts will continue and be amplified this year, and I’m ready to see how much our people sharpen their leadership abilities.”

Fortis Marketing Solutions’ Director Shares Advice for Achieving Goals in 2016

The Director uses some simple strategies to ensure that he and his associates reach the benchmarks they set for themselves. “One of the biggest keys to realizing goals is simply putting them in writing,” he added. “I would recommend this simple step to anyone with high aspirations for 2016. Writing objectives down forces you to be as clear as you can possibly be, and it also gives you extra motivation to get started on pursuing them. Here at Fortis Marketing Solutions, we are firm believers in the value of writing out our personal and professional ambitions.”

Celebrating milestones along the way is another strategy the Director endorses. He explained, “You have to keep your motivation high to follow through on your objectives. I think one of the best ways to do that is to mark every small victory during your journey. Especially if it’s a multifaceted long-range goal, celebrating minor milestones is the perfect way to stay on the right track.”

About Fortis Marketing Solutions

Fortis Marketing Solutions’ expertise is in the research and design of experiential product launches. These events drive lasting growth for brands as they extend their reach into new markets. Through careful research and assessment, the skilled team members at Fortis Marketing Solutions produce outreach campaigns that intrigue the public. As a result, they ensure return business and increase revenue. Their efforts have led to rapid growth not just for brands served, but for the firm itself that will continue to build. To learn more about this full-service firm, visit today.