Formula168 Announces Wider Retail Distribution of Health Supplement Line

The brand places emphasis on natural ingredients in its supplements and wider product assortment.

Health supplements maker Formula168 is announcing a widened distribution of their core supplement line across retail stores nationwide and also their newly-improved eCommerce website. The Glendale, California-based supplement company has also recently expanded to support wholesale and distributing partners in the U.S. The company and its products have become increasingly popular among health-conscious patrons.

"We began analyzing the current supplements on the market we were intrigued by the space availability in a capsule and how much of the capsule was not being utilized," according to a company spokesperson.

Formula168 emphasizes natural ingredients and omitting synthetic chemicals from its supplements. The line of natural dietary supplements consists of four herbal-based products that each serve a specific vitality function:

Quantum Focus is a line of daily Nootropic brain supplements that contains a blend of ingredients that are intended to support mental energy and cognition.

Atomic Energy is a daily supplement that appeals to the highly-active person. Using organic green coffee bean powder and green tea extract, it’s formulated as an all-natural source of energy. The energy supplements offered by Formula168 are said to have no negative side effects such as jitters and the common caffeine crash.

Elemental Beauty is a blend of vitamins, biotin, and other key ingredients that are known to promote healthy skin, hair, nails. The beauty supplements are rich in antioxidants that promote strengthened blood vessels and skin elasticity.

Pure Balance is formulated as a natural blend to improve mood and curb stress. It contains various B vitamins, several roots, and extracts that are often used in eastern medicine to serve a range of mental functions. Using a "mixture of formalized eastern and western ingredients," Pure Balance is described as an energy booster that balances emotion.

In 2018, the L.A.-based company is poised towards its initiative to expand its reaches to other states. The new company website now serves functions to field inquiries for retailers or wholesalers who wish to carry the health products.

To make a media inquiry, or to find more information about the products, visit, or call (855) 981-6888.     

Source: Formula168

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