Former Quadriplegic Swims Equivalent of the Pacific and Vows to Help Give $1 Billion Dollars to Charity

... through at absolutely no cost to the giver!

Barry Shore

 Barry Shore, recovering from being completely paralyzed by a rare disease 12 years ago, is a Man on a Mission. As he recently related in a FORBES interview (Feb 25, 2017: Millennials and the Future of Philanthropy) his Mission is to make giving an easy, everyday experience simply by using the mobile Web.

Like most people, when you give to your favorite cause or non-profit, you feel good.  But, often you’re just too busy to help and that can often not make you feel so good.  You may even feel a bit guilty that you are unable to help. That’s where DLYTE comes in.

Like most people, when you give to your favorite cause or non-profit, you feel good. But, often you're just too busy to help and that can often not make you feel so good. You may even feel a bit guilty that you are unable to help. That's where DLYTE comes in.

Barry Shore, CEO

Each year more than $100 billion in gift cards are sold. Dlyte has available Digital/Electronic Gift Cards from over 500 of the top brands (like Amazon, Southwest Airlines, Macy’s, iTunes, Sephora, Disney…even Uber) on its . Adults, and especially Millennials, are active buyers and now can be givers to their favorite causes at the same time without spending a penny more. Dlyte helps to mobilize everyone by empowering  people where they live: on the mobile Web.  

When people purchase a gift card via from their favorite brand, dollar-denominated award points (typically 2.5% to 5%, but it can be as much as 30%) automatically accrue.  These DLYTE points are donated every month donated to their designated cause.  Even when sending a gift card as a present to a friend or relative, the buyer gets rewarded and gives at no cost to their charity.

Individually, 2.5% of a $100 gift card ($2.50) may not seem like much, but when that award is multiplied by millions of buyers every month, the amount that accrues will be huge, giving tens of millions of dollars to worthy causes. This fuels Shore’s goal of facilitating the giving of one billion dollars over the next 5 years without costing anyone a penny.

Small donations can matter. During the 2016 Campaign, both Clinton and Sanders urged their supporters to donate as little as $3.  The results?  Tens of millions of dollars raised. DLYTE facilitates the giving to worthy causes, like the Wildlife Conservation Alliance, Heal Vets and The Fiesta Bowl Charities. Barry founded Dlyte as a metaphor for how a little can become a lot if it’s done often.

A healthy man in his mid-fifties, Shore contracted Guilliane Barre Syndrome and overnight became paralyzed from his neck down. His struggle through months of hospitalization, 2 years in a hospital bed in his own home, 4 years in a wheelchair, and 2 years with braces from hips to ankles, gave rise to his attitude of gratitude. Gradually, Shore was able to move some of his muscles, a bit more every few months.  A friend told him about a type of swimming called Total Immersion Therapy, made popular by Tim Ferriss, and Shore began to apply its techniques, using floatation assists. He started by swimming on his back, and finally after a year swimming face down.  It took Shore months to be able to swim a mile.  The first mile he took 96 minutes. Undaunted, Shore began to keep track of how far he swam and after a year, he counted 174 miles.  He increased his daily workouts and, eventually over the course of 10 years,  he tallied 6,007 miles, on February 17, 2017, which is the distance from Los Angeles to South Korea … the equivalent of a swim across the Pacific.

“I am humbled by my accomplishment and my perseverance and most grateful to the dedication of the people who helped in my rehabilitation,” Shore commented. “I realized during my swimming and positive thinking that a lot can be accomplished by the combined accumulation of small steps.  This was the catalyst of my founding Dlyte I am certain that can be the tool for philanthropic organizations like Make A Wish Foundation and Goodwill and dedicated individual humanitarians like Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, to raise millions of dollars without costing their supporters a penny. These who have done so much good already can now grow exponentially in an easy fun process.”

The site is fully mobile-reponsive and is accessible from any device, so anyone anywhere at any time in the USA can access the site, shop at their favorite brand and give money to their favorite cause, all in a matter of minutes and without costing a penny more. Dlyte allows the public to shop as they normally would, while reaping the benefits of helping their favorite charities to accomplish their goals. DLYTE is an integral part of the changing face of philanthropy.

‘Dlyte  Shop, Earn and Give’

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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Barry Shore at (877) 799-9987 or email at

Source: Dlyte

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