Former Iconic Building In Vukovar To Be Transformed Into A Centre For Education And Healing

A former corporate executive is pioneering a project to help a community heal and grow from the affects of Post Traumatic Stress issues inflicted during the 1990's Balkans conflict. The project will also address the transfer of trauma to the younger generations, by introducing new methods and techniques such as meditation, yoga and spiritual development to their lives.

Deane Thomas, a former corporate executive has a mission and vision that extends far beyond creating an education Centre. Deane first came to Vukovar in 1998 with his family – when he arrived, he saw the after effects of an armed conflict. He was drawn to a particular building that was once a place where everyone walked, talked, danced and laughed. Its’ atmosphere was buzzing with celebrations and commemorations – it was the heart of the town and a business hub.

Last Year, when Deane returned to Vukovar to live, he pondered the purpose of his relocation. Shortly thereafter, he  embarked upon a personal healing and growth journey which led him to recall his original visions for the town.  He wanted to create an opportunity for the citizens, add a positive light  by bringing some creativity and western influence to this torn culture.

"By using new methods of teaching, we will change these innocent lives; we will capture their hearts and souls before they enter society; Our teaching techniques will include meditation, yoga, healthy eating, alcohol and drug awareness, honesty, truth and self-confidence - to help these children possess a much healthier outlook on life than they presently have." - Deane Thomas

Deane Thomas, Project Coordinator

The Lighthouse Project’s mission is to heal and offer a safe place for victims of Post-Traumatic Stress (after the 1991/2 conflict); to teach the community social awareness and skills to assist victims. It also wants to  offer solutions to change the victim’s way of thinking by partnering up with local charities like ‘The Coalition for Work with Psycho-trauma and Peace (CWWPP)’. Lastly it aims  to establish programs for children, promoting wellness and a healthy and spiritual ways of life.

“By using new methods of teaching, we will change these innocent lives; we will capture their hearts and souls before they enter society; Our teaching techniques will include meditation, yoga, healthy eating, alcohol and drug awareness, honesty, truth and self-confidence – to help these children possess a much healthier outlook on life than they presently have.” – Deane Thomas

However, in order to realize this project, it is key that Deane can secure the use of building he was originally drawn to, so that it once again can serve as a hub and beacon of light and hope to the town of Vukovar, Croatia, and even the rest of the world. As time is pressing, Deane launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to try and raise the necessary funds.

To learn more about this project, please contact   

Deane: Tel London +44 203 514 0500 Mobile +372 8171 7299 Skype Jus-T.deane or email