"Forex Frontiers" Published by Merritt House Media Ivan Cavric

Book Giveaway: "Forex Frontiers" Published by Merritt House Media Authors Americo Derosa and Ivan Cavric Offer Complimentary First Edition Signed Copy Upon Release to First 100 Email Responders

Merritt House Publishing Inc., publishers of the book "Forex Frontiers," is GIVING AWAY 100 author signed hard cover first edition version of "Forex Frontiers" to the first 100 email responders. The book is authored by seasoned currency traders, Americo DeRosa and Ivan Cavric and is a must have for forex enthusiasts and active traders eager to gain an edge in the markets.
"Forex Frontiers" is a purposely written and easy to understand manual so-to-speak with some of the most revealing trade secrets and concepts not typically displayed in most books available today.
After researching more than 40 books on currency trading, and trading in general the authors, De Rosa and Cavric are confident that this is a "must read" and have agreed to the free offer of its first edition proposed by Merritt House Publishing.
In "Forex Frontiers," authors Ivan Cavric and Americo De Rosa provide you with the benefit of over four decades of combined experience as investment advisors, professional traders, and private equity managers to assist you to be successful in the Forex market. By removing the hype, the authors provide you with the most effective techniques available to be successful, and trade like a pro in a short period of time.
Interested traders and enthusiasts are encouraged to submit your request for one of the 100 books offered upon release which will be personally signed by both authors.
Get your request in now! You can submit your entry request for the offer via email at forexoffer@merritthousemedia.com or enter on our website at www.merritthousemedia.com

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