For The United Kingdom - Quality IPad Application Development And Programming From IAD

iPad 2 is the most advance version of iPad series so its app development is challenging task for iPad 2 app developers. IAD has such iPad 2 app developers those take this challenge seriously and come up with innovative iPad 2 app development.

iPad Applications Developer - A leading software development service providing company, feels happy to announce the hiring services for iPad 2.

On this occasion CEO of IAD said, We are a big team of iPad 2 app developers working on exclusively on iPad 2 app development. Being an offshoot of a big software development company we have all infrastructural facilities available for iPad 2 development. We have well equipped offices for developers, good communication facilities like emails, instant messengers, live chats on our website and international calling system so you can contact our developers at anytime and from anywhere. iPad 2 is more lighter, more thinner and more faster than its predecessor. It comes with rear and front cameras so video communication is possible. It has iOS 4.3 and FaceTime and PhotoBooth facilities available. It gives GarageBand and iMovie facilities to its users. It has 3G services on Verizon and AT&T. This way iPad 2 is more advance than that of iPad 1.

We provide 24X7 support as our developers are working in shifts so they can match different time zones of our clients. We provide different packages for hire a developer services. Under these packages you can hire an iPad 2 app developer for full-time, part-time or on hourly basis. Full-time hiring consists of 8 hours work in a day while part-time hiring consists of 4 hours work in a day. Hourly hiring has no such limitation so it is the most flexible hiring scheme. There are no hidden charges on hiring. IAD provides good project management for their clients. You can directly participate in our project management software program. You can assign work to your iPad 2 app developers, track their work and get latest updates regarding to your project.. We assign a project manager for better project management. The later will act as a contact point for you and spare you for more important tasks.

If you have any iPad 2 development project and want to hire iPad 2 app developer contact IAD for more assistance.

About iPad Applications Development Company

iPad Applications Development Company
440 North Wolfe Road
Sunnyvale, CA
