Food and Organic Waste Recycling Solutions for California AB 1826

GREEN PLANET 21 Has Eight Years of Experience Handling Food and Organic Wastes
Separating and Composting Viscous Dairy  Products

​​​Californians add approximately 30 million tons of waste to landfills each year. "By composting or mulching, we can reduce by 30% the organics and food waste added to state landfills. The next phase of California law AB 1826 begins January 1, 2017 and it targets a better way to handle food and organic waste, meet greenhouse gas (GHG) emission goals, broadly implement recycling solutions, and to conserve landfill capacity," says Michael Swernoff, General Manager at GREEN PLANET 21 in Oakland.

Every commercial or public entity generating four cubic yards or more per week is required to use a commercial organics recycling program. Organic waste includes food waste, green waste, landscape and pruning waste, nonhazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper mixed in with food waste. Cafeterias, restaurants, supermarkets, and multi-family residential dwellings will increasingly compost or bio-digest their food and lawn waste. As San Francisco Bay Area businesses comply with AB 1826 in 2017, they have an opportunity to implement the best practices for processing food and organic wastes. For more details about the law, go to

By composting or mulching, we can reduce by 30% the organics and food waste added to California landfills.

Michael Swernoff, General Manager

GREEN PLANET 21 began developing food and organic waste programs in 2008, guiding large generators of organic waste to and toward zero landfill. Initially partnering with customers to handle their paper and cardboard, we worked up into each customer’s waste stream to recycle as much material as possible while remaining cognizant of reasonable costs.  Now, GREEN PLANET 21 handles loose produce and organics packed in clear plastic bags, meat, seafood, dairy products, eggshells, grains, bakery items, coffee grounds and filters, waxed cardboard, yard waste, and many other discards.

Swernoff says, "These programs are absolutely necessary to increase sustainability and lower the footprint of our increasing population.  More information can be found on the company website: or on PLANET 21.

Recyclables have greater value when they are sorted at the generation point and this increases the benefits for all involved. GREEN PLANET 21 tracks and details relevant data for every project offering customers a more comprehensive understanding of their own operations. As we partner with industry and distribution hubs, we refine recycling programs, improve the segregation of discards, handle every outflow more effectively, and reduce handling expenses, all while diverting more tonnage from nearby hideous landfills.

In addition, GREEN PLANET 21 securely destroys flawed products like cans or bottles or plastic pouches full of viscous or liquid foods, products that need to be kept out of the marketplace, We provide those customers with Certificates of Destruction. We separate the packaging from the food, reclaim the nutrients, conserve the liquids, and bio-digest or compost whenever possible. GREEN PLANET 21 has assisted in the destruction of over two million items. A video showing product destruction tests for food production mistakes is here:

Commercial recycling is economically viable while, frequently, residential recycling is not. GREEN PLANET 21 offers multi-point channeled diversion and recycling for food, paper and cardboard, plastic, wood, and metal. GREEN PLANET 21 continues to improve how food and other organic wastes are handled in California and across the western states. Going forward, the state will be able to further segment the waste stream, reduce non-recycled organic wastes, to increase the lifespan of our landfills and, over time, eliminate more categories of waste we still bury. For more information, contact a representative listed on our website:"



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