Food and Drink Digital Investigates The Industry's Top Caterers

Food and Drink Digital's July issue uncovers the industry's top caterers and how these key performers keep up with the competitive market.

(Norwich, UK)- The catering world is not only competitive, it is also fragmented. Although there are key performers whose names crop up regularly worldwide, it is not a global business. Procurement managers may talk about doing global deals but in fact, cultures and countries eat differently and what drives one market may not even feature in another.

In addition, the markets vary in maturity and diversity. In the UK, the public face of corporate hospitality shines in sports grounds, the Arts and events such as Chelsea Flower Show, backed by a raft of professional caterers who vie for contracts.

Contract catering also provides some excellent eating behind closed doors, in the offices of lawyers and banks in particular. And then there is the wedding market.

So, given the complexities of the market, who leads the way worldwide?

Food & Drink Digital talks to both industry leaders and some of the most sought after customers in the catering industry to bring us a broad, comprehensive picture of the state of the industry.

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